Automata, Semigroups and Applications'
June, 2010
The Automata, Semigroups and Applications' days is a workshop which
the name from the research project sponsoring it. It consists of
several days during which there will be talks given by invited
researchers and also by members of the project.
June 11: The (practical) algorithmic's day
Confirmed speakers:
James Mitchell (CAUL and U. St Andrews)
Vítor H. Fernandes (CAUL and U. Nova de Lisboa)
Manuel Delgado (CMUP and U. Porto)
June 14, 15, 16 and 23: The semigroups
automata's days
Confirmed speakers:
Karl Auinger (U. Vienna)
Emanuele Rodaro (CMUP)
Enric Ventura (U. Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona)
Pedro Silva (CMUP and U. Porto)
Alan Cain (CMUP)
Jorge Almeida (CMUP and U. Porto)
José Carlos Costa (CMAT and U. Minho)
Zur Izhakian (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Alfredo Costa (CMUC and U. Coimbra)
June 22: The descriptional complexity's
Confirmed speakers:
Giovanni Pighizzini (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Rogério Reis (LIACC and U. Porto)
Marco Almeida (LIACC)
Schedule: click to see a provisional schedule in a google calendar.
Timetable (in pdf format): click here
Travel information: we refer to the homepage of the the ICSrt
conference which held about one year ago at the same place.
Abstracts: (in pdf format) click here
Poster: click to have it in
better resolution

Manuel Delgado,
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do
Ana Moura, aim"at"
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Hotel reservation: please contact any of the organizers.
Inscriptions: there is no inscription fee and attending the talks is
free. Anyway, it would be helpful if those interested in attending the
workshop informed any of the organizers.
Centro de
Matemática da Universidade do Porto, and the project
Semigroups and Applications (PTDC/MAT/65481/2006)