About the meeting

The purpose of this meeting is to focus the attention on the many and varied opportunities to promote applications of mathematics to biology.
  • The meeting will be devoted to mathematical and computational modelling, analysis and simulation (including agent-based modelling and simulation) of problems arising in the context of biological applications. 
  • One main purpose of this meeting is to encourage collaboration between research centers in mathematics, computer sciences, physics and biology, located at the University of Porto. We hope this is a good reason to begin joint research on Mathematical and Computational Models in Biology.
  • There will be three short courses (see here), of three one-hour lectures each. These will be given by invited distinguished researchers and should be specially designed to attract undergraduate students to distinctive and relevant formation profiles, motivate them during their study, and advance their personal training in Mathematics and Biology.
  • The courses will be supplemented by contributed short talks by other participants and posters of case studies.
  • In this edition there will be still a round table with a debate on the subject
    "Mathematical Models and Clinical Aspects, Epidemiological and Farmaco-economic: What relationship and what new possible endpoints of the study" with the participation of several experts in HIV / AIDS (see here).
  • This meeting is part of a series of initiatives to create cooperation between mathematicians and biologists, of which we highlight the Joint Seminar IBMC/ CMUP "Bridges for Quantitative Biology" (see here)
We hope to see you here in Porto next June 2015.


The meeting is promoted as one of the activities of