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- 1
- John Rhodes: Monoids acting trees: elliptic and wreath products and
the holonomy theorem for arbitrary Monoids. In Monids and Semigroups
with application. World Sci. Publ. River Edge, NJ, 1991, p.371-389.
- 2
- I. Reznikow, V. Sushchansky: Automaton transformation semigroups
defined by Mealy automata with two states over
-element alphabets.
Dopovidi NAN Ukraine, 2002, N2, p.52 - 57. (in Russian)
- 3
- I. Reznikow, V. Sushchansky: A semigroups of intermedian growth generated
a Mealy automata with two states over a
-element alphabet.
Math. Notes, 2002 (accepted).
- 4
- A. Olijnyk, I. Reznikow, V. Sushchansky: Semigroups of transformations
generated by Mealy automata over a finite alphabet. Proc. III Intern.
Algebraic Conference in Ukraine, Publ. of Institute of Math. NAN
Ukraine, Kyiv, 2002.
Benjamin Steinberg