A numerical semigroup is a subset of
that is closed under
and generates
as a group (
denote the
set of integers and nonnegative integers, respectively). It is well known (see
for instance [2,8,13]) that if
is a numerical semigroup,
then the set
has finitely many elements. The greatest integer
not belonging to
is called the Frobenius number of
, usually
denoted by
. Moreover,
admits a unique minimal system of generators
(that is,
and no proper subset of
). The
are known as the multiplicity and
embedding dimension of
, and they are denoted by
, respectively. For a given
, we will denote by
the submonoid of
generated by
. The monoid
is a numerical semigroup if and only if
for greatest common divisor).
There is a large amount of literature concerning the study of one-dimensional
analitically unramified domains via their valuation semigroups (see for
instance [3,5,6,7,10,15,16]).
One of the properties studied for this kind of rings using this approach has
been the Arf property. From [1], Lipman in [11] introduces
and motivates the study of Arf rings; the characterization given in that paper
of Arf rings in terms of its semigroup of values gives rise to the notion of
Arf semigroup (see also [2] for the connection between the Arf
property of a one-dimensional analitically irreducible domain and the Arf
property of its semigroup of values). In [14,4] it is
studied the relationship between the Pythagorean property of a real curve germ
and the Arf property of its value numerical semigroup.
A numerical semigroup
is an Arf numerical semigroup if for every
such that
, we have that
[2, Theorem I.3.4] for fifteen alternative characterizations of
this property).
We deduce that the intersection of two Arf numerical semigroups is
again an Arf numerical semigroup. This allows us to define the Arf numerical semigroup generated by
) as the intersection of all Arf numerical semigroups containing
(and thus
), and will denote it by
. If
, we say that
is an Arf system
of generators of
, and we will say that
is minimal if no
proper subset of
is an Arf system of generators of
. For a numerical
will be also called the Arf closure of
Observe that if we are given
, then
must contain the set of all the elements
of the form
. It
must also contain the set of elements that are derived from those obtained
above using the same rule and so on. This motivates the following results.
We define a submonoid of
As we pointed out before, every numerical semigroup admits a unique minimal system of generators, and we prove that every Arf numerical semigroup has a unique minimal system of generators. A binary tree is a rooted tree such that every vertex has at most two sons (see [9]). Now, we describe a recursive procedure that arranges the set of all Arf numerical semigroups in a binary tree whose root is
Sponsored in part by the FCT approved projects POCTI 32817/99 and POCTI/MAT/37670/2001 in participation with the European Community Fund FEDER and by FCT through Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto. Also sponsored in part by FCT, the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Programa Operacional Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação do Quadro Comunitário de Apoio III, and by Caixa Geral de Depósitos.