Let be a finite alphabet. The Ribes-Zalesskii product theorem states
for any positive integer
and any finitely generated subgroups
of the free group
, the set
is closed in the
profinite topology of
. Ribes and Zalesskii even proved that ``profinite topology''
be replaced with ``pro-
topology'' where
is any extension
pseudovariety of finite groups (under the assumption that the groups
are pro-
closed). Recent research by B. Steinberg and myself shows that
this theorem holds under a much weaker assumption on
: namely that the
(profinite) Cayley graph of the pro-
behaves geometrically
like a tree. I shall discuss requirements on an inverse system
-generated finite groups
in order that
admits such a ``tree-like'' Cayley graph. It turns out that this happens when
admits a ``sufficiently good''
co-extension among the groups
(this can be made precise). As a
consequence, one
gets that for a pseudovariety
of groups sufficient
for the free pro-
to have
a tree-like Cayley graph is that for each group
there exists a cyclic group
for which the wreath product
also belongs to
; this is
obviously much weaker than being extension closed.
Sponsored in part by the FCT approved projects POCTI 32817/99 and POCTI/MAT/37670/2001 in participation with the European Community Fund FEDER and by FCT through Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto. Also sponsored in part by FCT, the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Programa Operacional Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação do Quadro Comunitário de Apoio III, and by Caixa Geral de Depósitos.