Let be a group with
generators and let
be the
corresponding Cayley graph. For any finite subgraph
be the average vertex degree of
. By
we denote the least upper bound of all the
, where
runs over all finite subgraphs in
It is well-known that is amenable if and only if
There exists one more criterion of amenabilty. Namely,
non-amenable if and only if there exists a function
such that 1) the distance between
is bounded
by a constant
for all
and 2) each element in
has at
least two preimages under
Suppose that in the above definition. This means that for any
, the element
is either
, or equals
, where
is a generator or its inverse. We say that the graph
has a
doubling property whenever the function
with the above conditions
exists for
The group can be defined by the following group presentation:
1) has a doubling property if and only if
. (This is
in fact true for any
-generated group.)
2) There exists a family of finite subgraphs in
such that
. In
We conjecture that for the Cayley graph of
in generators
. If this conjecture is true, then
is not amenable.
Besides, we present an easy formula to find the length of a given
element in generators
Sponsored in part by the FCT approved projects POCTI 32817/99 and POCTI/MAT/37670/2001 in participation with the European Community Fund FEDER and by FCT through Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto. Also sponsored in part by FCT, the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Programa Operacional Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação do Quadro Comunitário de Apoio III, and by Caixa Geral de Depósitos.