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Yakubovich SB. A distribution associated with the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform. Opuscula Math.. 2006;26:161-172.
[2010-20] Yakubovich SB, Vieira N. A radial version of the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform in the unit ball .Edit
Yakubovich SB. About a new class of integral transforms in Hilbert space. Math. Balkanica (N.S.). 1995;9:179-191.
Yakubovich SB. On some properties of the Abel-Goncharov polynomials and the Casas-Alvero problem. Integral Transforms and Special Functions. 2016;27(8):599-610.
Yakubovich SB. Some classes of discrete transforms that are generated by matrix linear operators. Vests\=ı Akad. Navuk Belarus\=ı Ser. F\=ız. Mat. Navuk. 1992:20-25, 123.
[2004-3] Yakubovich SB. Theorems of the Hausdorff-Young and Riesz-Kolmogorov type for the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform and .
Yakubovich SB. New inversion, convolution and Titchmarsh's theorems for the half-Hilbert transform. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2014;25:955-968.
[2013-13] Yakubovich SB, Martins M.. On the square of Stieltjes's transform and its convolution with applications to singular integral equations .Edit
Yakubovich SB. Beurling's theorems and inversion formulas for certain index transforms. Opuscula Math.. 2009;29:93-110.
Yakubovich SB. On a new index transformation related to the product of Macdonald functions. Rad. Mat.. 2004;13:63-85.
[2006-18] Yakubovich SB. Certain isometries related to the bilateral Laplace transform .
Yakubovich SB, Kalla SL. On a new approach to convolution constructions. Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci.. 1993;16:435-448.Edit
Yakubovich SB. A constructive method for constructing integral convolutions. Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR. 1990;34:588-591, 666.
Yeldan O, Colorni A, Lue A, Rodaro E. A stochastic continuous cellular automata traffic flow model with a multi-agent fuzzy system. In: EWGT2012 - 15th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, September 2012, Paris. Vol Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences vol. 54.; 2012. p. pp. p. 1350-1359p. Edit
