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Silva PV. Fixed points of endomorphisms of virtually free groups. Pacific J. Math.. 2013;263:207-240.
Silva PV. Clifford monoid presentations. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.. 1992;111:445-454.
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[2015-25] Silva MC. On the circulation of algebraic knowledge in the Iberian península: the sources of Pérez de Moya's Tratado de Arithmetica (1573) .Edit
Silva PV. Fixed points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems. Monatsh. Math.. 2010;161:417-447.
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Silva PV. Groups and automata: a perfect match. J. Automata Lang. Combin.. 2012;17(2-4):277-292.
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Silva MC. Equações no «Libro de Algebra» de Pedro Nunes. Vol 68 APM 2002.Edit
Silva P., Travassos B, Vilar L, Aguiar P, Davids K, _. Numerical Relations and Skill Level Constrain Co-Adaptive Behaviors of Agents in Sports.. 2014.Edit
Silva PV. The word problem for nilpotent inverse monoids. Semigroup Forum. 1995;51:285-293.
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Silva P., Duarte R, Sampaio J, Aguiar P, Davids K, Araújo D, et al. Field dimension and skill level constrain team tactical behaviours in small-sided and conditioned games in football. Journal of sports sciences. 2014;32:1888-1896.Edit
Silva PV. Fixed points of endomorphisms of certain free products. RAIRO Theor. Inform. Appl.. 2012;46:165-179.
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Silva PV. A note on primeness of semigroup rings. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A. 1992;120:191-197.
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Sharkasi A., Ruskin H., Crane M, Matos J., Gama SM. A wavelet-based method to measure stock market development. Open Journal of Statistics. 2014;4:86-96.Edit
Shamarova E, Chertovskih R, Ramos AF, Aguiar P. Backward-stochastic-differential-equation approach to modeling of gene expression. Physical Review E. 2017;95:032418.Edit
Shahzamanian M., Shirmohammadi M., Davvaz B.. Roughness in Cayley graphs. Inform. Sci.. 2010;180:3362-3372.Edit
Shahzamanian M.. The congruence $\eta^*$ on semigroups. Q. J. Math.. 2016;67:405-424.
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