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Rodrigues AA. Three Dimensional Flows: From Hyperbolicity to Quasi-Stochasticity. In: Dynamics, Games and Science. Vol Dynamics, Games and Science, . Lisbon, Portugal: Springer ; 2015. 5. p. 573-591p. Edit
Rodrigues MJ, Matos J. Numerical solution of partial differential equations with the tau method. In: First Meeting on Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Coimbra, 1995). Vol 11. Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra; 1997. 1. p. 111-121p. (Textos Mat. Sér. B; vol 11).Edit
Rodrigues A, Labouriau IS. Spiralling dynamics near a heteroclinic network. Physica D. 2014.Edit
Rodrigues AA. Homoclinic bifurcations .Edit
[2011-20] Rodrigues M., Vieira N, Yakubovich SB. Operational calculus for Bessel's fractional equation .Edit
Rodrigues MJ, Matos JM. A tau method for nonlinear dynamical systems. Numerical Algorithms. 2013;62(4):583-600.
Rodrigues M, Aguiar P. Neuronal connectivity inference from spike trains using an empirical probabilistic causality measure. BMC Neuroscience. 2009;10:P169.Edit
Rodrigues M., Vieira N, Yakubovich SB. Operational calculus for Bessel's fractional equation. In: Advances in harmonic analysis and operator theory. Vol 229. Birkhäuser/Springer Basel AG, Basel; 2013. 3. p. 357-370p. (Oper. Theory Adv. Appl.; vol 229).Edit
Roman J., Vasconcelos PB, Nunes A.. Eigenvalue computations in the context of data-sparse approximations of integral operators. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2013;237:171-181.Edit
Roman JE, Vasconcelos PB. Harnessing GPU Power from High-level Libraries: Eigenvalues of Integral Operators with SLEPc. Procedia Computer Science. 2013;18:2591-2594.Edit
Romero E, Cruz MB, Roman JE, Vasconcelos PB. A Parallel Implementation of the Jacobi-Davidson Eigensolver for Unsymmetric Matrices. In: Palma JMLaginha, Daydé M, Marques O, Lopes JCorreia, editors. High Performance Computing for Computational Science – VECPAR 2010: 9th International conference, Berkeley, CA, USA, June 22-25, 2010, Revised Selected Papers. Vol 6449. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2011. 3. p. 380-393p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 6449).Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA. On the structure of simplicial affine semigroups. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A. 2000;130:1017-1028.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA. Constructing almost symmetric numerical semigroups from irreducible numerical semigroups. Comm. Algebra. 2014;42:1362-1367.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA. On normal affine semigroups. Linear Algebra Appl.. 1999;286:175-186.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA, García-García JI. $k$-factorized elements in telescopic numerical semigroups. In: Arithmetical properties of commutative rings and monoids. Vol 241. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL; 2005. 2. p. 260-271p. (Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math.; vol 241).Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA, García-García JI. Atomic commutative monoids and their elasticity. Semigroup Forum. 2004;68:64-86.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA. Minimal presentations of full subsemigroups of $\bold N^2$. Rocky Mountain J. Math.. 2001;31:1417-1422.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA. Every numerical semigroup is one half of a symmetric numerical semigroup. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2008;136:475-477 (electronic).Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA, Urbano-Blanco J.. On presentations of commutative monoids. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 1999;9:539-553.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA. Nonnegative elements of subgroups of $\bf Z^n$. Linear Algebra Appl.. 1998;270:351-357.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA, García-García JI, Madrid J.. Fundamental gaps in numerical semigroups with respect to their multiplicity. Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.). 2004;20:629-646.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA, García-García JI. Ideals of finitely generated commutative monoids. Semigroup Forum. 2003;66:305-322.Edit
Rosales JC, García-Sánchez PA, García-García JI. How to check if a finitely generated commutative monoid is a principal ideal commutative monoid. In: Proceedings of the 2000 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (St. Andrews). ACM, New York; 2000. 2. p. 288-291p. (electronic).Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA. On the structure of Cohen-Macaulay simplicial affine semigroups. Comm. Algebra. 1999;27:511-518.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA, García-García JI, Branco MB. Numerical semigroups with a monotonic Apéry set. Czechoslovak Math. J.. 2005;55(130):755-772.Edit


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