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On the lattice of prefix codes. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2002;289:755-782.Edit
The least squares problems and orthogonal polynomials. In: Orthogonal polynomials and their applications (Erice, 1990). Vol 9. Baltzer, Basel; 1991. 2. p. 217-222p. (IMACS Ann. Comput. Appl. Math.; vol 9).Edit
Limit distribution for the weighted rank correlation coefficient, $r_W$. REVSTAT. 2006;4:189-200.Edit
Linear and complex heart rate dynamics vary with sex in relation to fetal behavioural states. {EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT}. 2008;{84}:{433-439}.Edit
Linear and nonlinear analysis of heart rate patterns associated with fetal behavioral states in the antepartum period. {EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT}. 2007;{83}:{585-591}.Edit
Linear and nonlinear fetal heart rate analysis of normal and acidemic fetuses in the minutes preceding delivery. {MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING}. 2006;{44}:{847-855}.Edit
Linear and nonlinear heart-rate analysis in a rat model of acute anoxia. {PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT}. 2008;{29}:{1133-1143}.Edit
[2011-35] On Linear Finite Automata and Cryptography .Edit
On the Localization of Zeros and Poles of Chebyshev-Padé Approximants from Perturbed Functions. Vol Lecture Notes in Computational Science, vol 8584 Portugal, Guimarães: Springer International Publishing 2014.Edit
Long Memory and Volatility in HRV: An ARFIMA-GARCH Approach. In: Murray A, editor. {36th Annual Computers in Cardiology Conference (CinC 2009)}. Vol {36}. {IEEE}; 2009. {. {p. 165-168p. }.Edit
Long-Range Dependence in Heart Rate Variability Data: ARFIMA Modelling vs Detrended Fluctuation Analysis. In: {34th Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {34}. {IEEE}; 2007. {. {p. 21-24p. }.Edit
Long-term HRV in critically ill pediatric patients: Coma versus brain death. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2014.; 2014. 8. p. 89-92p. Edit
Long-term HRV in critically ill pediatric patients:Coma versus brain death. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2014. Vol 41. USA, Cambridge M.A.: IEEE; 2014. 8. p. 89-92p. Edit
Major Habitual Dietary Patterns Are Associated with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cardiovascular Risk Markers in a Southern European Population. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2011;111:241-250.Edit
Major Habitual Dietary Patterns Are Associated with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cardiovascular Risk Markers in a Southern European Population. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2011;111:241-250.Edit
Maps of the two-sphere at the boundary of chaos. Nonlinearity. 1994;7:1251-1259.Edit
Maximal subgroups of amalgams of finite inverse semigroups. Semigroup Forum. In Press.Edit
Measures to evaluate rankings of classification algorithms. In: Kiers H.AL, Rasson J.P, Gronen P.JF, Schader M., editors. Data Analysis, Classification, and Related Methods.; 2000. 1. p. 119-124p. (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization).Edit
Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells seeded on cartilaginous endplates promote intervertebral disc regeneration through extracellular matrix remodeling. Scientific reports. 2016;6.Edit
Minimal presentations of full subsemigroups of $\bold N^2$. Rocky Mountain J. Math.. 2001;31:1417-1422.Edit
Modelacão de grandes incêndios em Portugal. Vol Estatística: A Ciência da Incerteza (Isabel Pereira et al., eds) Aveiro: Edições SPE 2013.Edit
Modeling Volatility in Heat Rate Variability. In: 38Th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Embc 2016, Orlando, Fl, Usa, August 16-20, 2016. Ieee; 2016. 3. p. 3582-3585p. (Embc).
Modelling long-term heart rate variability: an ARFIMA approach. {BIOMEDIZINISCHE TECHNIK}. 2006;{51}:{215-219}.Edit