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[2010-7] Symbolic implementation, in the Mathematica language, for deriving closed formulas for connection co .
Switching near a network of rotating nodes. Dyn. Syst.. 2010;25:75-95.Edit
[2008-38] Switching near a network of rotating nodes .
A Survey on Operational State Complexity. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics. 2017;21:251-310.Edit
[2013-19] Surfaces with $p_g=0,$ $K^2=3$ and 5-torsion .
A surface with $q=2$ and canonical map of degree $16$. Michigan Mathematical Journal. 2017;66(1):99-105.
A surface with canonical map of degree 24. International Journal of Mathematics. 2017;28(6).Edit
[2015-20] A surface with canonical map of degree $24$ .
A study on the optimum order of autoregressive models for heart rate variability. {PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT}. 2002;{23}:{325-336}.Edit
On the structure of simplicial affine semigroups. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A. 2000;130:1017-1028.Edit
On the structure of Cohen-Macaulay simplicial affine semigroups. Comm. Algebra. 1999;27:511-518.Edit
Strongly taut finitely generated monoids. Monatsh. Math.. 2008;155:119-124.Edit
Strange attractors in saddle-node cycles: prevalence and globality. Invent. Math.. 1996;125:37-74.Edit
A stochastic continuous cellular automata traffic flow model with a multi-agent fuzzy system. In: EWGT2012 - 15th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, September 2012, Paris. Vol Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences vol. 54.; 2012. p. pp. p. 1350-1359p. Edit
Statistical Study on The Number of Injective Linear Finite Transducers. Bensch S, Freund R, Otto F, editors Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft 2014.Edit
Statistical Study on The Number of Injective Linear Finite Transducers. In: Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2014). Germany, Kassel:; 2014. Edit
Statistical stability for equilibrium states. Vol Dynamics, games and science. {II}. Peixoto M., Pinto A., Rand D., editors Portugal, Braga: Springer Proc. Math. 2011.Edit
State complexity of prefix, suffix, bifix and infix op- erators on regular languages. Vol LNCS, 6224 2010.Edit
On the State Complexity of Partial Derivative Automata for Regular Expressions with Intersection. In: Proceedings of the 18th Int. Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS16). Vol 9777. Springer; 2016. 4. p. 45-59p. (LNCS; vol 9777).Edit
State complexity for code operators. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 2011;22(7):1669-1681.Edit
staff detection with stable paths. ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. 2009;31:1134-1139.Edit
On the stability of the set of hyperbolic closed orbits of a Hamiltonian. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.. 2010;149:373-383.Edit