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Separatrices for C^2 actions on 3-manifolds. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 2013;88(3):677-714.Edit
Separatrices for C^2 actions on 3-manifolds. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 2013;88(3):677-714.Edit
Sensory neurons and osteoblasts: Close partners in a microfluidic platform. Integrative Biology (United Kingdom). 2014;6:586-595.Edit
On sensitivity to initial conditions and uniqueness of conjugacies for structurally stable diffeomorphisms. Nonlinearity. 2018;31:293-313.Edit
Semisimple synchronizing automata and the Wedderburn-Artin theory. Internat. J. Foundat. Comput. Sci.. 2016;27(2):127-145.Edit
Semisimple synchronizing automata and the Wedderburn-Artin theory. In: Developments in Language Theory, 2014. Vol Developments in Language Theory. Russia, Ekaterinburg: Springer; 2014. 4. p. 49-60p. Edit
Semisimple Synchronizing Automata and the Wedderburn-Artin Theory. In: Development in Language Theory, DLT 2014. Vol LNCS, 8633.; 2014. 4. p. 49-60p. Edit
Semigroup actions of expanding maps. Journal of Statistical Physics. 2017;166(1):114-136.Edit
Semi-complete vector fields of saddle-node type in C^n. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2008;360(12):6611-6630.
Semi-complete foliations associated to Hamiltonian vector fields in dimension 2. J. Math. Anal. Appl.. 2007;328(2):813-820.
The semaphore codes attached to a Turing machine via resets and their various limits. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2016;26(4):675-704.Edit
Secondary Bifurcations in Systems with All-to-All Coupling. Part II. Dynamical Systems. 2006;21:439-463.Edit
Scaling Exponents in Heart Rate Variability. J. L. da Silva, F. Caeiro, I. Natário, and C. Braumann, eds ed. Springer 2013.
Saturated numerical semigroups. Houston J. Math.. 2004;30:321-330 (electronic).Edit
The Role of Theory in Computer Science: Essays Dedicated to Janusz Brzozowski. Konstantinidis S, Moreira N, Reis R, Shallit J, editors World Scientific 2017.Edit
Robustly transitive sets and heterodimensional cycles. Astérisque. 2003:xix, 187-222.Edit
Rigidity of the $C^1$-centralizer of bidimensional diffeomorphisms. In: Dynamical systems ({S}antiago, 1990). Vol 285. Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow; 1993. 2. p. 211-229p. Edit
Rigidity of centralizers of real analytic diffeomorphisms. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 1993;13:175-197.
On a Riemann-Liouville fractional analog of the Laplace operator with positive energy. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2012;23:277-295.Edit
[2010-22] On a Riemann-Liouville fractional analog of the Laplace operator with positive energy .Edit
Revisiting concurrent separation logic. J. Log. Algebr. Methods Program.. 2017;89:41-66.Edit