Thomas Baier's Annual Report 2014

Thomas Baier's Annual Report 2014



Brief description of the research activities: 

My research developed within the working programme “Geometric quantization around lagrangian fibrations and parallel transport” and mainly concerned the interaction of symplectic and algebraic geometry, with a view towards moduli problems.

Within this context a joint project with M.Bolognesi (Rennes) and J.Martens (Edinburgh) has been focussed particularly on investigation of flatness the Oxbury–Pauly abelianization of rank two vector bundles on curves taking into account the projectively flat structures on both sides.

Several other projects of a minor nature include the investigation of symmetric special Kähler metrics on wonderful compactifications induced from the toric part (joint with C.Florentino, J.Mourão, J.P.Nunes in Lisbon), the construction of new algebraic surfaces of general type, related to (non-principally polarized) abelian varieties and their Kummer varieties (joint with C.Rito), and work on the general theory of geometric quantization in singular real polarizations using a distributional formulation.

Projects description: 

The joint project with M.Bolognesi (Rennes) and J.Martens (Edinburgh) on flatness the Oxbury–Pauly abelianization of rank two vector bundles on curves organized into several tasks: a first step must address the fact that the Mumford–Welters connection is only defined on a collection of “pairwise skew subbundles” instead of the whole sum of abelian theta functions, establish the existence of a compatible connection extending them, and inquire uniqueness of it. Once this existence is established, it suffices to check that every summand of the Oxbury–Pauly map (these are uniquely defined) is flat to prove the existence of a unique sum map which is flat. The identification of the respective scalings would certainly be desireable in this step, albeit not strictly speaking necessary to show flatness.

A further facet of this project is a more detailed discussion of these results in genus two, where the non-abelian side reduces to the topic of Kummer surfaces with its rich classical and modern developments. The flat projective connection in this case associates deformations of arbitrary divisors to deformations of the Kummer surface, but the construction is intricate. We aim for a more geometric understanding, at least for the relative anti-canonical sheaf.


Talks / Seminars / Courses : 

Organization of regular seminars: 

Organization of the working seminar "Derived categories" at CMUP; information available under

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