% Create tau objects.
[x, y] = tau('LegendreP', [0, 1400], 100);

% Specify problem, conditions and exact solution.
ode        = 'diff(y) + 3*yo^2*y - 2*yo*y = 2*yo^3 - yo^2';
conditions = 'y(0) = 1/700';
solution   = '1/(lambertw(0,((1/700)^-1-1)*exp(((1/700)^-1-1)-x))+1)';

% Solve the problem.
a = tauodenewton(x, y, .........................................................% Tau variables.
                 ode, ...............................% Linearized ordinary diferential equation.
                 conditions, ......................................................% Conditions.
                 'exact_solution', solution, ..............% Exact solution is known (optional).
                 'apsol', 1, ......................................% Shows approximate solution.
                 'resid', 1, .................................................% Shows residuals.
                 'iter', 1, ..........................................% Shows newton iterations.
                 'pieces', 100); ............................................% Number of pieces.