% Create tau objects. [x, y] = tau('LegendreP', [0 60], 10); % Specify problem, conditions and exact solution. ode = {'diff(y1) - 10*y2 + 10*y1 = 0'; ... 'diff(y2) - 28*y1 + yo3*y1 + yo1*y3 + y2 = yo1*yo3'; ... 'diff(y3) + 8/3*y3 - yo2*y1 - yo1*y2 = -yo1*yo2'}; conditions = {'y1(0)=-8';'y2(0)=-7';'y3(0)=29'}; % Solve the problem. a = tausysnewton(x, y, .........................................................% Tau variables. ode, ....................% Linearized system of rdinary differential equations. conditions, ......................................................% Conditions. 'pieces', 200, .............................................% Number of pieces. 'iter', 1, ...........................................% Show newton iterations. 'phase', 1, .............................................% Plot ode phase plan. 'step', 0.001); ....................................% Step for results ploting.