
Creates (independent and dependent) tau variables.

   [x, varargout] = tau(basis, domain, n, alphaC)

   x = tau(basis, domain, n, alpha) creates an object x called independent
   tau variable and an object y caled dependent tau variable; they are
   related, respectively, with x and y in the unknown function y(x).

   basis  = orthogonal polynomial basis.
            'ChebyshevT' for Chebyshev of first kind,
            'ChebyshevU' for Chebyshev of second kind,
            'LegendreP' for Legendre,
            'GegenbauerC' for Gegenbauer,
            'HermiteH' for Hermite,
            'LaguerreL' for Laguerre and
            'BesselY' for Bessel.
   domain = domain [a b], same interval of orthogonality of the basis.
            (It is valid only for Jacoby polynomials).
   n      = dimension of the truncated matrices.
            polynomial basis will have degree n-1.
   alphaC = parameter for Gegenbauer polynomials.

   x = independent tau variable (itau object).
   y = dependent tau variable (dtau object).

   [x, y] = tau('LegendreP', [0 10], 100) .............. customized inputs
   [x, y] = tau('LegendreP', [0 10]) ............................... n = 5
   [x, y] = tau('LegendreP') ................... domain = [-1 1] and n = 5
   [x, y] = tau .......... basis = 'ChebyshevT', domain = [-1 1] and n = 5

See also
  itau and dtau.