Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Physics   Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and PhysicsOporto Meeting on
              Geometry, Topology and PhysicsOporto Meeting on
              Geometry, Topology and Physics
              - Isntituto Superior Técnico Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto Instituto Superior Técnico  
100 anos de
Relatividade Geral. Porto 2015
    19 e 20 de Novembro 2015

Oradores Convidados.

Palestras dia 19. Palestras dia 20. Actividades

2º Dia (dia 20 de Novembro 9h30-12h30 e 14h30-18h30)
TEMA 2 "Relatividade Geral no século XXI"
Dedicado a investigadores e outro público interessado.
LOCAL: Anfiteatro 0.07 (Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre s/n, 4169-0097 Porto)

  • José Velhinho (Universidade da Beira Interior. Departamento de Física)  homepage
Loop Quantum Cosmology and Singularity Resolution 
Resumo: The application of Loop Quantum Gravity methods to standard models in cosmology opened the way to new insights on the gravitational physics of spacetime regions where General Relativity predicts the existence of singularities, namely in the very early universe. In the present talk, a summary of  this so-called Loop Quantum Cosmology approach is presented, focused on the issue of singularity resolution in homogeneous and isotropic models. 
  • Pedro Gil Vieira (Centro de Física do Porto)  homepage
Título Holography and Integrability. Solving String Theory
Resumo: Currently, our best description quantum gravity comes about through a remarkable correspondence which states that fully quantum theories of gravity admits an alternative description in terms of simpler theories (quantum mechanical but without gravity) in the boundary of space-time. Simply put, because the boundary has one less dimension, this is equivalent to saying that we might be described by an hologram. Describing these boundary theories in full detail would be tantamount to obtaining the first sound description of quantum gravity, a much sought after holy grail of theoretical physics. I will explain how  a new player by the name of integrability recently came into the game and is bringing us closer and closer to this goal. 
  • Nelson Nunes (Departamento de Física da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa) homepage
Título Cosmology of the de Sitter Horndeski models
Resumo: The discovery, in 1998, that the Universe is currently undergoing an accelerated expansion is one of the greatest milestones in all physics. Naturally, over the last 15 years, many proposals to explain this evolution have been brought forward. Most ideas involve scalar field dark energy or extensions of Einstein's gravity. These proposals are essentially phenomenological without any relation to each other. One major step forward was the realization in 2011 that all this models are subclasses of the most general scalar-tensor theory that leads to second order equations of motion, the Horndeski Lagrangian.
I will describe how one can construct a subclass of the Horndeski Lagrangian with a de Sitter critical point for any kind of material content. These models might alleviate the cosmological constant problem. I will present the cosmological evolution of two classes of families - the linear models and the non-linear models with shift symmetry. We conclude that the latter models can deliver a background dynamics compatible with the latest observational data.
  • Robertus Potting (Departamento de Física da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade do Algarve) homepage
Título Massive gravity and spontaneous symmetry breaking
Resumo: General relativity predicts that gravitational waves propagate with the speed of light. In particle physics language, this means that gravitons are massless, just like photons. In the late thirties of the last century, Fierz and Pauli showed that one can construct a theory of a massive spin-2 field by adding a specific mass term to the linearized Einstein-Hilbert action. However, later efforts to promote the model to a fully interacting one ran into serious theoretical difficulties, including instabilities due to the appearance of a ghost mode. In 2010 de Rham, Gabadadze, and Tolley managed to construct a nonlinear theory of massive gravity with a carefully tuned potential that avoids the ghost mode at all orders. I review this model and discuss global aspects of the potential, in particular whether it might allow spontaneous breaking of Lorentz symmetry.
  • Francisco Lobo (Departamento de Física da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa)  homepage
Título Beyond Einstein's General Relativity: 100 years-on
Resumo: Modern astrophysical and cosmological models are plagued with two severe theoretical difficulties, namely, the dark energy and the dark matter problems. Relative to the former, high-precision observational data have confirmed with startling evidence that the Universe is undergoing a phase of accelerated expansion. This phase, one of the most important and challenging current problems in cosmology, represents a new imbalance in the governing gravitational equations. Several candidates, responsible for this expansion, have been proposed in the literature, in particular, dark energy models and modified gravity, amongst others. Outstanding questions are related to the nature of this so-called "dark energy" that is driving the acceleration of the universe, and whether it is due to the vacuum energy or a dynamical field. On the other hand, the late-time cosmic acceleration may be due to modifications of General Relativity, which introduce new degrees of freedom to the gravitational sector itself. We analyze some of the modified theories of gravity that address these intriguing and exciting problems facing modern physics, and explore the foundations of gravitation theory, essential for the construction of modified theories of gravity.​ 
  • Maria Piedade Machado Ramos (Departamento de Matemática e Aplicações. Universidade doMinho)  homepage
Título Relativistic Elasticity: recent developments
Resumo: The theory of elasticity in the context of general relativity was developed in the mid twentieth century. The need for such a theory came in the late 1950s with Weber´s bar antenna for gravitational waves in order to explain how these waves interact with elastic solids. In 1973, a fully developed nonlinear theory of elasticity adapted to general relativity was given in a paper by Carter and Quintana, which, to a certain extent, remains as the standard reference of this theory. In this paper the concept of elasticity is formulated within the framework of general relativity. In this talk, the theory of elastic matter within the context of general relativity is presented, following the formulation of Carter and Quintana. The latest developments within this theory will be discussed; in particular, recent work on conformally flat spacetimes associated to an elastic stress energy tensor will be analysed.
  • Jorge Páramos (Centro de Física do Porto)  homepage
Título Cosmological dynamics of a non-minimal coupling between matter and curvature
Resumo: In this talk I review the fundamentals of a model exhibiting a non-minimal coupling between matter and curvature and highlight its most interesting features. I discuss the ensuing cosmology and its formulation as a dynamical system, which offers a powerful tool for probing interesting candidates for dark energy models. 

Horário dia 20

Homenagem a Pedro Vieira (Early Research Award" (ERA) do Ministério da Economia e Inovação do Ontario) +info
9h40-10h20 Pedro Gil Vieira

Coffee Break
10h50-11h30 Maria Piedade Machado Ramos
11h40-12h20 Jorge Páramos

Nelson Nunes
15h20-16h00 Robertus Potting
16h00-16h30 Coffee Break
16h30-17h10 Francisco Lobo
17h20-18h00 José Velhinho