Workshop on

Coupled Cell Networks
and Dynamics


There is no Registration Fee.
The organizing committee will not guarantee accommodation for participants registering after January 21st. Participants that want us to make hotel reservations will be allocate at Tuela Hotel (or similar).

Registration will close on January 21st.

Do you wish us to make your Hotel Reservation?

Arrival date: day

Departure date: day

Accompanying person(s)
Yes   No

Type of accomodation:
Single    Double    Shared

Name of the participant you would like to share the room with (if aplicable):

The Conference Dinner will take place on tuesday February 4th. Participation is approximately 25-30€ per person. Do you wish to attend it?

Would you like to give a talk?


Departamento de Matemática
Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade do Porto