I am co-author of several external GAP packages. In order to browse through the manuals, you may just follow the links below, which direct you to the respective packages homepages. To use the packages, you must have a working copy of GAP with version number 4.5 or higher. In this case, you have probably already obtained the packages as part of the GAP distribution.
I am also maintainer of these packages.
Mathematical software plays many times an important role in the reasoning that ultimately leads to the proof of a theorem. The extensive consideration of examples usually benefits from computational means. But once a theorem is proved, one may ignore these means. Anyway, some authors like to provide some recognition… Pointers to some papers citing packages for which I am co-author may be found in my google scholar page.
a GAP package to compute with numerical semigroups
By Manuel Delgado, Pedro García-Sánchez and José Morais.
The stable release is available either from the package web page in GitHub or from the GAP web page.
For the development version, please visit the GitHub repository.
a GAP package for drawing integers
By Manuel Delgado.
The stable release is available either from the package web page in GitHub or from the GAP web page.
For the development version, please visit the GitHub repository.
a GAP package for (finite) semigroup visualization
By Manuel Delgado and José Morais.
The stable release is available either from the package web page in GitHub or from the GAP web page.
For the development version, please visit the GitHub repository.
a GAP package to deal with finite state automata
By Manuel Delgado, Steve Linton and José Morais.
The stable release is available either from the package web page in GitHub or from the GAP web page.
For the development version, please visit the GitHub repository.
This package has been presented at the “Workshop on Semigroups and Automata”, a Satellite Workshop to ICALP’05 (July 16, 2005, Lisboa, Portugal). (pdf file available.)
Packages under development
- a package for drawing GAP objects
By Manuel Delgado, Attila Egri-Nagy, James D. Mitchell and Markus Pfeiffer.
As the package is under development, only the development version is available. You can follow this link, which points to a bitbucket repository.
I have written some notes (in portuguese) “Uma Introdução ao GAP” for a small course. They are available as a pdf file from here and also from the GAP web page.
If you are a Linux user you may wish to install GAP in a very comfortable way using Frank Luebeck‘s webpage.