Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Physics   Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and PhysicsOporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and PhysicsOporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Physics
FCUP - Isntituto Superior Técnico Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto Instituto Superior Técnico  
XVIIIth Oporto Meeting on
Geometry, Topology and Physics
    9th to 12th July 2009

Talks 2:

  • Variational principles and Poisson brackets for complex fluids and systems (Francois Gay-Balmaz, EPFL, Section de Mathematique, Lausanne).
Abstract: As opposed to the case of (simple) fluids, the dynamics complex fluids depends also on variables called order parameters that describe the macroscopic variations of the internal structure of the fluid parcels. These macroscopic variations may form observable patterns, as seen in liquid crystals. Other examples of perfect complex fluids include superfluids, Yang-Mills magnetofluids and spin-glasses.
From a series of papers by Holm, Marsden, Ratiu, and Weinstein, it is known that the techniques of Euler-Poincare and Lie-Poisson reductions for semidirect products provide a unified approach for fluids and plasmas and lead to new models.
In this talk I will present an extension of this framework to the case of complex fluids and systems, by using the new theory of affine Euler-Poincare and affine Lie-Poisson reductions with cocycles.
As a consequence of the Lagrangian approach, the variational formulation of the equations is determined. On the Hamiltonian side, the associated Poisson brackets and their symplectic leaves are obtained by reduction of a canonical cotangent bundle.   
  • VB-algebroids and representation theory of Lie algebroids (Alfonso Gracia-Saz, Univ Toronto).
Abstract: A known caveat about the concept of Lie algebroid is that Lie algebroids, unlike Lie algebras, do not have an adjoint representation. Various solutions have been proposed; ultimately Crainic and Arias Abad [1] found a good candidate for an adjoint representation by considering superrepresentations instead (which they call "representations up to homotopy"). Unfortunately, their construction depends on a non-canonical choice.
In this talk, we show that there is an intrinsic object that avoids making that choice: VB-algebroids. A VB-algebroid can be defined as a "vector-bundle-object in the category of Lie algebroids", and the concept was originally introduced by Mackenzie [2] independently of the problem of Lie algebroid representations. One could say that a VB-algebroid is to a superrepresentation of Lie algebroids what a linear map is to a matrix.
This is joint work with Rajan Mehta (pdf)

  • Seildel Morphism on the Hamiltonian Group of a Cartesian Product (Andres Pedroza, Universidad de Colima, Mexico).
Abstract: The  Seidel homomorphism is a map from the fundamental group of the group of Hamiltonain diffeomorphisms,$\textup{Ham}(M,\omega)$, to the quantum homology ring $QH_*(M;\Lambda)$. Using this homomorphism we give a sufficient condition for when a nontrivial loop $\psi$ in $\textup{Ham}(M,\omega)$ determines a nontrivial loop $\psi\times\textup{id}_N$ in $\textup{Ham}(M\times N,\omega\oplus\eta)$, where $(N,\eta)$ is a closed symplectic manifold such that $\pi_2(N)=0$. Recently R. Leclercq, generalized this result by removing the topological constraint on N.
  • VB-algebroids and characteristic classes (Rajan Mehta, Washington University in Saint Louis).
Abstract: VB-algebroids are "vector bundle objects in the category of Lie algebroids".  As Gracia-Saz will have explained in his talk, there is a sense in which VB-algebroids should be thought of as generalized Lie algebroid representations.  Motivated by this perspective, we construct characteristic classes associated to VB-algebroids.  In the case of the VB-algebroid that plays the role of the adjoint representation, these characteristic classes agree with those of Crainic and Fernandes.  Finally, we classify VB-algebroids satisfying a regularity condition, and in the process a new characteristic class emerges.