Invited Talk
- A
geometric approach to Conn's linearization theorem (Rui Loja Fernandes, Dep. Matematica, IST
Abstract: I
will describe joint work with Marius Crainic (Utrecht) on a soft
geometric proof of the classical result due to Conn stating that a
Poisson structure is linearizable around a singular point (zero) at
which the isotropy Lie algebra is compact and semisimple. Although most
of this proof was known to us by 2004, only recently we were able to
complete a crucial step. In this lecture, I will attempt to describe
the complete proof with emphasis on the above mentioned step.
Introductory courses:
- A short introduction to Symplectic geometry (David
Martinez, IST, UTL, Lisbon)
symplectic geometry: Symplectic linear forms. Dimension. Quotients.
Standard symplectic form. Symplectic linear group. Subspaces.
Darboux/symplectic basis. Volume forms. Symplectic linear group and
compatible almost complex structures. Symplectic vector bundles and
Chern classes.
2.Symplectic manifolds: Symplectic forms. Examples. Symplectic
transformations. Reduction (without actions around).
3.Moser's technique: Moser's theorem. Stability. Darboux/symplectic
coordinates. Neighborhood theorems.
- A short introduction to Poisson geometry (Marco
Zambon, CMUP/FCUP, Porto)
A short introduction to
Poisson geometry: I will introduce Poisson manifolds both from the
algebraic and the geometric point of view, and discuss the classes of
examples given by symplectic manifolds and duals of Lie algebras. I
will also describe the role played by coisotropic submanifolds. If time
permits I will mention two important problems arising from
Poisson geometry: deformation quantization and the integration of Lie