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Explicit Schoen surfaces. Algebraic Geometry. In Press.Edit
[2018-9] Actividades Científicas de Pascal Maroni .Edit
Barrier option pricing under the 2-hypergeometric stochastic volatility model. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2018;328:197-213.Edit
Luis Inacio Woodhouse (1857-1927). Vol 1. U. Porto Edições ed. 2018.Edit
A note on the finite basis and finite rank properties for pseudovarieties of semigroups. Semigroup Forum. 2018;97:177-180.Edit
The spectral expansion approach to index transforms and connections with the theory of diffusion processes. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal.. 2018;17:2351-2378.Edit
The spectral expansion approach to index transforms and connections with the theory of diffusion processes. Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis. 2018;17(6):2351-2378.Edit
Two-dimensional simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations for laminar and turbulent flow around a heated square cylinder with forced convection. Applied Mathematics. 2018;9(291-312).Edit
Algorithmic and Geometric Topics Around Free Groups and Automorphisms. Vol Advanced Courses in Mathematics, CRM Barcelona Birkhäuser 2017.Edit
Application of a particular class of markov chains in the assessment of semi-actuated signalized intersections. Vol 10378 LNCS 2017.Edit
Arfima-Garch Modeling of Hrv: Clinical Application in Acute Brain Injury Springer International Publishing 2017.Edit
ARFIMA-GARCH Modeling of HRV: Clinical Application in Acute Brain Injury. In: Complexity and Nonlinearity in Cardiovascular Signals. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2017. 4. p. 451-468p. Edit
Backward-stochastic-differential-equation approach to modeling of gene expression. Physical Review E. 2017;95:032418.Edit
[2017-21] Characterization of Fundamental Networks .Edit
Equations over free inverse monoids with idempotent variables. Theory Comput. Syst.. 2017;61(2):494-520.Edit
Equations over free inverse monoids with idempotent variables. Theory Comput. Syst.. 2017;61(2):494-520.Edit
Equilibrium states for impulsive semiflows. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2017;451(2):839-857.Edit
[2017-28] On finitely generated submonoids of free groups .
Forecasting Asthma Hospital Admissions from Remotely Sensed Environmental Data. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management - Volume 1: GISTAM,. INSTICC; 2017. 1. p. 124-130p. Edit
Geometric characterizations of virtually free groups. J. Algebra Appl.. 2017;16(9):1750180.Edit