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Mano VM, Vieira L. Alternating Schur series and necessary conditions for the existence of strongly regular graphs. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014;8:256-261.Edit
Mano VM, Vieira L. Symmetric association schemes and generalized krein parameters, 2015. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences . 2015;9:310-314.Edit
Mano VM, Vieira L. Strongly Regular Graphs and Euclidean Jordan algebras:Revelations within an Unusual Relationship. Lambert Academic Publishing ed. Lambert Academic Publishing,2015 2015.Edit
[2011-25] Maltcev A.. Markov semigroups, monoids, and groups .Edit
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Maia E, Moreira N, Reis R. Incomplete Transition Complexity on Finite and Infinite Regular Languages. Information and Computation. 2015;244:1-22.Edit
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Maia E, Moreira N, Reis R. Prefix and Right-Partial Derivative Automata. In: Soskova M, Mitrana V, editors. Computability in Europe (CiE 2015). Springer; 2015. 2. p. 258-267p. Edit
Maia E, Moreira N, Reis R. Incomplete Transition Complexity of some Basic Operations. Boas Pvan Emde, Groen FCA, Italiano GF, Nawrocki J, Sack H, editors 2013.Edit
Maia E, Moreira N, Reis R. Partial Derivative and Position Bisimilarity Automata. Vol 8587. Holzer M, Kutrib M, editors SV 2014 (LNCS; vol 8587).Edit
Maia E, Moreira N, Reis R. Incomplete Transition Complexity of Basic Operations on Finite Languages. Konstantinidis S, editor 2013.Edit
Mafalda-Sousa M, De-Castro-Aguiar P. Netbuilder: A Tool for Constructing Large and Complex Neural Networks. In: Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: 11th Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/conf. neuro. Vol 1.; 2009. Edit
Machiavelo A, Reis R. Uma introdução (ingénua) à Criptografia. Garrão APaula, Dias MRaposo, Teixeira RCunha, editors Letras Lavadas Edições 2015.Edit
Machiavelo A. Galois representations and Hilbert's Theorem 90. In: Matrices and group representations (Coimbra, 1998). Vol 19. Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra; 1999. 1. p. 119-123p. (Textos Mat. Sér. B; vol 19).
Machiavelo A, Reis R. Turing and Enigma. Bol. Soc. Port. Mat.. 2012:97-120.Edit
Machiavelo A. Euler and the secrets of numbers. Bol. Soc. Port. Mat.. 2008:35-60.
Machiavelo A. On The Source of Mathematical Intuition. Vol 6 Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa 2013.
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Machado J., Pinto CM, A. Lopes M. A review on the characterization of signals and systems by power law distributions. Signal Processing. 2015;107:246-253.Edit
[2017-27] Macedo Â., Mesquita T., da Rocha Z.. Symbolic approach to the general quadratic polynomial decomposition .Edit
Macedo F., Milheiro-Oliveira P., Pacheco A., Simões M.. Application of a particular class of markov chains in the assessment of semi-actuated signalized intersections. Vol 10378 LNCS 2017.Edit


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