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Delgado M., García-Sánchez PA, Rosales J., Urbano-Blanco J.. Systems of proportionally modular Diophantine inequalities. Semigroup Forum. 2008;76:469-488.Edit
Delgado M., García-Sánchez PA. $\ssfnumericalsgps$, a $\ssfGAP$ package for numerical semigroups. ACM Commun. Comput. Algebra. 2016;50:12-24.Edit
Delgado M., Farrán J., García-Sánchez PA, Llena D.. On the generalized Feng-Rao numbers of numerical semigroups generated by intervals. Math. Comp.. 2013;82:1813-1836.Edit
Delgado M, Fernandes VH. Solvable monoids with commuting idempotents. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2005;15:547-570.Edit
[2016-20] Delgado M. On a question of Eliahou and a conjecture of Wilf .Edit
[2008-32] Delgado M, Steinberg B. On iterated Mal'cev products with a pseudovariety of groups .Edit
Delgado M., Rosales J.. Modular Diophantine inequalities and rotations of numerical semigroups. J. Aust. Math. Soc.. 2008;84:315-328.Edit
Delgado M, Héam P-. A polynomial time algorithm to compute the abelian kernel of a finite monoid. Semigroup Forum. 2003;67:97-110.Edit
Delgado M. On a question of Eliahou and a conjecture of Wilf. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 2018;288:595-627.Edit
[2005-44] Delgado M, Masuda A, Steinberg B. Solving systems of equations modulo pseudovarieties of abelian groups and hyperdecidability .Edit
Delgado M, Fernandes VH. Rees quotients of numerical semigroups. Port. Math.. 2013;70:93-112.Edit
Dias C., Silva M., Pereira E., Silva S., Cerejo A, Smielewski P., et al. Post-traumatic multimodal brain monitoring: Response to hypertonic saline. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2014;31:1872-1880.Edit
Dias A., Stewart I.. Symmetry Groupoids and Admissible Vector Fields for Coupled Cell Networks. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 2004;69:707-736.Edit
Dias AP, Rodrigues A. Hopf bifurcation with S_n symmetry. Nonlinearity. 2009; 22:627-666.Edit
Dias C, Guerra LM, Aguiar P, Ventura J. The concept of Metal-Insulator-Metal nanostructures as Adaptive Neural Networks. U. Porto Journal of Engineering. 2017;3:1-10.Edit
Dias A., Stewart I.. Invariant Theory for Wreath Product Groups. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2000;150:61-84.Edit
Dias AP, Paiva RC. Hopf Bifurcation with D_n-symmetry. Glasgow Mathematical Journal. 2006;48:41-51.
Dias C.. Gibbs-Markov-Young structures. In: ESAIM. Vol 36.; 2012. 6. p. 61-67p. Edit
Dias C, Gaio A., Monteiro E, Barbosa S., Cerejo A, Donnely J, et al. Kidney-Brain Link in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients? A Preliminary Report. Neurocritical Care. 2015;22(2):192-201.Edit
Dias A., Stewart I.. Secondary bifurcations in systems with All-to-All coupling. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Ser. A . 2003;459:1-18.Edit
Dias C, Ventura J, Aguiar P. Memristive-Based Neuromorphic Applications and Associative Memories. In: Advances in Memristors, Memristive Devices and Systems. Springer International Publishing; 2017. 3. p. 305-342p. Edit
Dias A., Stewart I.. Symmetry-breaking Bifurcations of Wreath Product Systems. Journal of Nonlinear Science . 1999;9:671-695.Edit
Dias C, Guerra LM, Ventura J, Aguiar P. Memristor-based Willshaw network: Capacity and robustness to noise in the presence of defects. Applied Physics Letters. 2015;106:223505.Edit
Dias A., Moreira C.. Spectrum of the elimination of loops and multiple arrows in coupled cell systems. Nonlinearity. 2012;25:3139-3154.Edit
Dias A., Dionne B., Stewart I.. Heteroclinic Cycles and Wreath Product Symmetries. Dynamics and Stability of Sytems. 2000;15:353-385.Edit


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