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Moura A. E-local pseudovarieties. Semigroup Forum. 2012;85(1):169-181.
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Mota PR, Varejão J, Vasconcelos PB. HYSTERESIS IN THE DYNAMICS OF EMPLOYMENT. Metroeconomica. 2012;63:661-692.Edit
Mota PR, Vasconcelos PB. Nonconvex adjustment costs, hysteresis, and the macrodynamics of employment. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 2012;35:93-112.Edit
Mota PR, Varejão J, Vasconcelos PB. A hysteresis model-based indicator for employment adjustment rigidity. Empirica. 2014;42:547-569.Edit
Mota B, Ferreira RA. A reinvenção guiada na aprendizagem das operações combinatórias. In: EIEM 2016: Recursos para o ensino da matemática. Vol Investigação em Educação Matemática: Recursos na educação matemática.; 2016. 2. p. 273-287p. Edit
Mota PR, Vasconcelos PB. The Macrodynamics of Employment Under Uncertainty. In: Bourguignon J-P, Jeltsch R, Pinto AAdrego, Viana M, editors. Dynamics, Games and Science: International Conference and Advanced School Planet Earth, DGS II, Portugal, August 28–September 6, 2013. Springer International Publishing; 2015. 4. p. 479-497p. Edit
Moreira C.. On bifurcations in lifts of regular uniform coupled cell networks. Proc. Royal Soc. A. 2014;470(20140241).
Moreira C.. Singularities of the stationary domain for stationary strategies. Control & Cybernetics. 2006;35(4):881-886.
Moreira M, Ferreira RA. A comunicação com recurso ao facebook: A experiência da gincana escolar Matemátic@XXI. In: XXVII SIEM: Seminário de Investigação em Educação Matemática. Vol Atas do XXVII SIEM.; 2016. 2. p. 249-273p. Edit
Moreira M, Ferreira RA. A comunicação matemática com recurso ao facebook: A experiência na gincana escolar Matemátic@XXI. In: Conferência internacional do Espaço Matemática em Língua Portuguesa. Universidade de Coimbra ed. Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra; 2015. Edit
Moreira C.. Generic singularities of the optimal averaged profit for polydynamical systems - PhD Thesis University of Porto 2010.
Moreira C.. Singularities of optimal averaged profit for stationary strategies. Portugaliae Mathematica. 2006;63(1):1-10.
Moreira N, Reis R. Preface. Special Issue - Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA 2012). International Journal of Fundations of Computer Science. 2013;24:689-690.
Moreira N, Pighizzini G, Reis R. Universal Disjunctive Concatenation and Star. Shallit J, Okhotin A, editors Springer 2015.Edit
Moreira M, Ferreira RA. A comunicação matemática na gincana Matemátic@XXI. Vol Resumos digitais das comunicações do II Encontro em Ensino e Divulgação das Ciências 2016.Edit
[2013-15] Moreira C.. Special Jordan subspaces in coupled cell networks .
Moreira C.. Special Jordan subspaces and synchrony subspaces in coupled cell networks. SIAM J. Applied Dynamical Systems. 2015;14(1):253-285.
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Moreira N, Pighizzini G, Reis R. Optimal State Reductions of Automata with Partially Specified Behaviors. Theoretical Computer Science. 2017;658:235-245.Edit
Moreira N, Pighizzini G, Reis R. Optimal State Reductions of Automata with Partially Specified Behaviors Springer 2015 (LNCS).Edit
Implementation and Application of Automata, 17th International Conference (CIAA 2012). Vol 7381. Moreira N, Reis R, editors Springer 2012.
Monteiro JP, Oliveira HP, Aguiar P, Cardoso JS. A depth-map approach for automatic mice behavior recognition. In: Image Processing (ICIP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE; 2014. 2. p. 2261-2265p. Edit
Monteiro JP, Oliveira HP, Aguiar P, Cardoso JS. Depth-map images for automatic mice behavior recognition. In: 1st PhD Students Conference in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Porto, Portugal.; 2012. Edit


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