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Pin J-, Silva PV. On profinite uniform structures defined by varieties of finite monoids. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2011;21:295-314.Edit
[2005-33] Pin J-, Silva PV. The algorithmic potential of continuous transductions .Edit
Pin JE, Silva PV. On uniformly continuous functions for some profinite topologies. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2017;658(A):246-262.Edit
[2007-36] Pin J-, Silva PV. A Mahler’s theorem for functions from words to integers .Edit
Pin J-, Silva PV. A noncommutative extension of Mahler's theorem on interpolation series. Europ. J. Combin.. 2014;36:564-578.Edit
Pinheiro S, Reis H. Topological aspects of completely integrable foliations. J. Lond. Math. Soc.. 2014;89(2):415-433.Edit
[2007-4] Pinho EM, Labouriau IS. Symmetries of Projected Symmetric Patterns .Edit
Pinho EM, Labouriau IS. On the projection of functions invariant under the action of a crystallographic group. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2014;218:37-51.Edit
[2009-45] Pinho E., Labouriau IS. On the projection of functions invariant under the action of a crystallographic group .Edit
Pinto CM, Machado J.. Fractional central pattern generators for bipedal locomotion. Nonlinear Dynam.. 2010;62:27-37.Edit
Pinto N. Identification of species by multiplex analysis of variable-length sequences. Nucleic Acids Research. 2010;38.
Pinto CM. Fractional complex-order model for HIV infection with drug resistance during therapy. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2016;22(9):2222-2239.Edit
Pinto C., Machado J.. Fractional Dynamics of Computer Virus Propagation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2014;2014:7.Edit
Pinto N.. Theory and statistics of mutation rates: A mathematical framework reformulation for forensic applications. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series. 2015;5:e131-e132.Edit
[2008-45] Pinto M, M. Moreira L. Rank function on Lagrangian Matroids .Edit
Pinto CM, Rocha D, Santos CP. Hexapod robots: new CPG model for generation of trajectories. JNAIAM. J. Numer. Anal. Ind. Appl. Math.. 2012;7:15-26.Edit
Pinto N. Straightforward inference of ancestry and admixture proportions through ancestry-informative insertion deletion multiplexing. PLoS ONE. 2012;7.Edit
Pinto CM. Exciting dynamical behavior in a network of two coupled rings of Chen oscillators. Nonlinear Dynam.. 2014;78:1245-1259.Edit
Pinto N. Distinguishing kinship from genealogical likelihoods. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series. 2009;2:453-454.Edit
Pinto CM. New findings on the dynamics of HIV and TB coinfection models. Appl. Math. Comput.. 2014;242:36-46.Edit
Pinto CM. Exotic dynamics in networks of coupled rings of cells. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2012;22:13.Edit
Pinto N. Estimating relatedness with no prior specification of any genealogy: The role of the X-chromosome. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series. 2013;4.Edit
Pinto CM, Santos AP. Modelling gait transition in two-legged animals. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.. 2011;16:4625-4631.Edit
Pinto N. X-chromosome markers in kinship testing: A generalisation of the IBD approach identifying situations where their contribution is crucial. Forensic Science International: Genetics. 2011;5:27-32.Edit
Pinto CM. Persistence of low levels of plasma viremia and of the latent reservoir in patients under ART: a fractional-order approach. Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.. 2017;43:251-260.Edit
