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[2007-3] Passian A., Simpson H., Kouchekian S., Yakubovich SB. On the orthogonality of the Macdonald's functions .Edit
Passian A., Kouchekian S., Yakubovich SB. Index integral representations for connection between Cartesian, cylindrical, and spheroidal systems. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2011;22:549-560.Edit
Passian A., Kouchekian S., Yakubovich SB, Thundat T.. Properties of index transforms in modeling of nanostructures and plasmonic systems. J. Math. Phys.. 2010;51:023518, 30.Edit
Passian A., Simpson H., Kouchekian S., Yakubovich SB. On the orthogonality of the MacDonald's functions. J. Math. Anal. Appl.. 2009;360:380-390.Edit
[2010-2] Passian A., Kouchekian S., Yakubovich SB. Index integral representations for connection between cartesian, cylindrical and spheroidal sytems .Edit
Paiva RC. Matemática 12 multimédia. 2015.
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Paiva RC. O GeoGebra associado a conteúdos multimédia e a um sistema de avaliação online em Matemática. Vol 5 Universidade de Aveiro 2013.
Paiva RC. Pré-Cálculo multimédia. 2015.
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[2006-9] Paiva LT, Rebelo EM. Decision tools to analyse immigrant territorial distribution (the Oporto metropolian area) .Edit
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[2014-33] Paiva RC, Ferreira MS, Mendes AG, Eusébio AM. Interactive and multimedia contents associated with a system for computer-aided assessment .Edit
Paiva RC. Módulos Interativos de Análise Matemática 2013.
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Pais-Vieira M, Aguiar P, Lima D, Galhardo V. 375 ABNORMAL ENCODING OF CHOICES AND REWARDS IN ORBITOFRONTAL CORTEX IN MONOARTHRITIC RATS. European Journal of Pain. 2009;13:S113.Edit
Pacheco MR. Determinação do Centralizador de um dado Automorfismo do Toro Bidimensional 2006.Edit
Pacheco A., Simões M., Milheiro-Oliveira P.. Queues with server vacations as a model for pretimed signalized urban traffic. Transportation Science. 2017;51:841-851.Edit
Oliveira M., Gaio A., Gomes M., Gonçalves A., Duarte R. Mycobacterium Avium Infection in Portugal. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2017;21(2):218-222.Edit
Oliveira H, Mendes F, Ferreira RA. Editorial: Um caminho a percorrer. Vol 25 Associação de Professores de Matemática 2016.Edit
Oliveira LA. Models for free pseudosemilattices. Algebra Universalis. 2007;56:315-336.
Oliveira O., Gaio A., Villar M., Duarte R. Predictors of treatment outcome in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Portugal. The European Respiratory Journal. 2013;42(6):1747-9.Edit


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