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Broda S, Machiavelo A, Moreira N, Reis R. The Average Transition Complexity of Glushkov and Partial Derivative Automata. In: Mauri G., Leporati A., editors. Developments in Language Theory, 15th International Conference, DLT 2011, Milano, Italy, July 2011. Proceedings. Vol 6795. Milano, Italy; 2011. 9. p. 93-104p. Edit
Broda S, Machiavelo A, Moreira N, Reis R. On the Average Complexity of Strong Star Normal Form. In: Pighizzini G, Câmpeanu C, editors. Description Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS 2017). Vol 10316. Springer; 2017. 7. p. 77-88p. (LNCS; vol 10316).Edit
[2014-37] Broda S, Cavadas S, Moreira N. Kleene Algebra Completeness DCC-FC & CMUP, Universidade do Porto .Edit
Broda S, Machiavelo A, Moreira N, Reis R. On the Average State Complexity of Partial Derivative Automata: an analytic combinatorics approach. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 2011;22:1593-1606.
Broda S, Machiavelo A, Moreira N., Reis R.. Average Size of Automata Constructions from Regular Expressions. Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science. 2015:167-192.Edit
Broda S, Holzer M, Maia E, Moreira N, Reis R. On the Mother of All Automata: the Position Automaton. In: Developments in Language Theory.; 2017. Edit
Broda S, Machiavelo A, Moreira N, Reis R. On the average number of states of partial derivative automata. In: Developments in language theory. Vol 6224. Springer, Berlin; 2010. 1. p. 112-123p. (Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.; vol 6224).Edit
Broda S, Cavadas S, Ferreira M, Moreira N. Deciding Synchronous Kleene Algebra with Derivatives. In: Drewes F, editor. Implementation and Application of Automata, 20th International Conference (CIAA 2015). Vol 9223.; 2015. 4. p. 49-62p. (LNCS; vol 9223).Edit
[2014-36] Broda S, Cavadas S, Moreira N. Derivative Based Methods for Deciding SKA and SKAT DCC-FC & CMUP, Universidade do Porto .Edit
Broda S, Machiavelo A, Moreira N, Reis R. The average transition complexity of Glushkov and partial derivative automata. In: Developments in language theory. Vol 6795. Springer, Heidelberg; 2011. 9. p. 93-104p. (Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.; vol 6795).Edit
Broda S, Machiavelo A, Moreira N, Reis R. On the Average Size of Glushkov and Equation Automata for KAT Expressions 2013.
[2013-22] Broda S, Machiavelo A, Moreira N, Reis R. Glushkov and Equation Automata for KAT Expressions .
[2008-41] Bruin H, Todd M. Equilibrium staes for interval maps: potentials with $\sup \phi - \inf \phi < \htop(f)$ .Edit
[2007-24] Bruin H, Todd M. Return time statistics for invariant measures for interval maps with positive Lyapounov exponent .Edit
[2007-37] Bruin H, Todd M. Equilibrium states for interval maps: the potential −tlog|Df| .Edit
[2007-23] Bruin H, Todd M. Equilibrium states for interval maps: potentials of bounded range .Edit
Brunat JM, de Oliveira AG, Noy M. Partitions of a finite Boolean lattice into intervals. European J. Combin.. 2009;30:1801-1809.Edit
Brychkov Y., Marichev O., Yakubovich SB. Integral Appell $F_3$-transformation with respect to parameters. In: Complex analysis and applications '85 (Varna, 1985). Publ. House Bulgar. Acad. Sci., Sofia; 1986. 1. p. 135-140p. Edit
Brzeziński T, Kaoutit LE, Lomp C. Non-commutative integral forms and twisted multi-derivations. J. Noncommut. Geom.. 2010;4:289-312.Edit
Bullejos M., García-Sánchez PA. Minimal presentations for monoids with the ascending chain condition on principal ideals. Semigroup Forum. 2012;85:185-190.Edit
Burciu S, Kadison L, Külshammer B. On subgroup depth. Int. Electron. J. Algebra. 2011;9:133-166.Edit
Burciu S, Kadison L. Subgroups of depth three. In: Surveys in differential geometry. Volume XV. Perspectives in mathematics and physics. Vol 15. Int. Press, Somerville, MA; 2011. 1. p. 17-36p. Edit
Burness T, Marion C, Testerman D. On irreducible subgroups of simple algebraic groups. Mathematische Annalen. 2017;367(3-4):1259-1309.Edit
Burness T, Ghandour S, Marion C, Testerman D. Irreducible almost simple subgroups of classical algebraic groups. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. 2015;236:vi+110.Edit
[2007-30] Büyükasik E, Lomp C. Rings whose modules are weakly supplemented are perfect. .Edit
