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[2007-18] Almeida J, Volkov M, Goldberg S.. Complexity of the identity checking problem for finite semigroups .Edit
Almeida J. A syntactical proof of locality of DA. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 1996;6:165-177.Edit
[2009-39] Almeida J, Klíma O. New decidable upper bound of the second level in the Straubing-Thérien concatenation hierarchy .Edit
Almeida J. Some pseudovariety joins involving the pseudovariety of finite groups. Semigroup Forum. 1988;37:53-57.Edit
Almeida J, Zeitoun M. The equational theory of ω-terms for finite $\scr R$-trivial semigroups. In: Semigroups and languages. World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ; 2004. 1. p. 1-22p. Edit
[2005-26] Almeida J, Margolis SW, Steinberg B, Volkov M. Modular and threshold subword counting and matrix representations of finite monoids .Edit
[2012-26] Almeida J, Cardoso Â. A Sequence of Weakly Monotonic Automata with Increasing Level .Edit
[2009-3] Almeida J, Costa JC, Zeitoun M. Iterated periodicity over finite aperiodic semigroups .Edit
[2009-13] Almeida J, Steinberg B. Matrix Mortality and the Cerny-Pin Conjecture .Edit
Almeida J. Locally commutative power semigroups and counting factors of words. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 1993;108:3-16.Edit
Almeida J, Costa A. On the transition semigroups of centrally labeled Rauzy graphs. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2012;22:1250018, 25.Edit
Almeida R, Silva M., Rocha AP. Exploring QT variability dependence from heart rate in coma and brain death on pediatric patients. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2013.; 2013. 6. p. 61-64p. Edit
Almeida FD, Fernandes R. Projection methods based on grids for weakly singular integral equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 2017;Volume 114:47-54.Edit
[2005-1] Almeida J. Profinite groups associated with weakly primitive substitutions .Edit
Almeida J. Minimal nonpermutative pseudovarieties of semigroups. I, II. Pacific J. Math.. 1986;121:257-270, 271-279.Edit
[2010-1] Almeida J. Presentations of Schutzenberger groups of minimal subshifts .Edit
Almeida J, Escada AP. On the equation $\bf V\ast\bf G=\scr E\,\bf V$. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2002;166:1-28.Edit
[2004-9] Almeida J, Margolis SW, Volkov M. The Pseudovariety of Semigroups of Triangular Matrices over a Finite Field .Edit
Almeida R, Martínez JP, Rocha AP, Laguna P. Multilead ECG Delineation Using Spatially Projected Leads From Wavelet Transform Loops. {IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING}. 2009;{56}:{1996-2005}.Edit
[2015-37] Almeida J, Borlido C. Complete kappa-reducibility of pseudovarieties of the form DRH .Edit
Almeida J. Implicit operations on finite $\scr J$-trivial semigroups and a conjecture of I. Simon. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 1991;69:205-218.Edit
Almeida J, Margolis S, Steinberg B, Volkov M. Representation theory of finite semigroups, semigroup radicals and formal language theory. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2009;361:1429-1461.Edit
Almeida J, Steinberg B. Syntactic and global semigroup theory: a synthesis approach. In: Algorithmic problems in groups and semigroups (Lincoln, NE, 1998). Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA; 2000. 1. p. 1-23p. (Trends Math.).Edit
Almeida J, Volkov M. The gap between partial and full. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 1998;8:399-430.Edit
Almeida J. Semidirect products of pseudovarieties from the universal algebraist's point of view. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 1989;60:113-128.Edit


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