
Found 2290 results
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Articles in international peer reviewed journals
Almeida J, Ésik Z, Pin J-. Commutative positive varieties of languages. Acta Cybernetica. 2017;23(1):91-111.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA, García-García JI. Commutative ideal extensions of abelian groups. Semigroup Forum. 2001;62:311-316.Edit
Afonso MM, Mazzino A, Gama SM. Combined role of molecular diffusion, mean streaming and helicity in the eddy diffusivity of short-correlated random flows. Journal of Statistical Mechanics. 2016;2016(10):103205: 1-17.Edit
Vasconcelos PB, d'Almeida FD. Columnwise block LU factorization using BLAS kernels on VAX 6520/2VP. Computing Systems in Engineering. 1995;6:423-429.
Pinto CM. A coinfection model for HIV and HCV. BioSystems. 2014;124:46-60.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA, Urbano-Blanco J.. On Cohen-Macaulay subsemigroups of $\bold N^2$. Comm. Algebra. 1998;26:2543-2558.Edit
Rosales J., García-Sánchez PA. On Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein simplicial affine semigroups. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2). 1998;41:517-537.Edit
Cordovil R, Fukuda K., A. de Oliveira G. On the cocircuit graph of an oriented matroid. Discrete Comput. Geom.. 2000;24:257-265.Edit
Camacho R, Alves A., Da Costa J, Azevedo P.. cmb'05: workshop on computational methods in bioinformatics. 2005 portuguese conference on artificial intelligence, proceedings. 2005:129.Edit
Azevedo D, Freitas AC, Freitas JM, Rodrigues FB. Clustering of extreme events created by multiple correlated maxima. Phys. D. 2016;315:33-48.Edit
Costa JP, Torgo L., Da Costa J. Clustered partial linear regression. MACHINE LEARNING: ECML 2000. 2000.Edit
Torgo L., Da Costa J. clustered partial linear regression. machine learning: ecml 2000. 2000;1810:426-436.Edit
Torgo L., Da Costa J. clustered partial linear regression. machine learning. 2003;50:303-319.Edit
Costa JP, Torgo L., Da Costa J. Clustered partial linear regression. MACHINE LEARNING. 2003.Edit
Torgo L., Da Costa J. clustered multiple regression. data analysis, classification, and related methods. 2000:217-222.Edit
Almeida J, Costa JC, Zeitoun M. Closures of regular languages for profinite topologies. Semigroup Forum. 2014;89:20-40.Edit
Yakubovich SB, Drygas P., Mityushev V.. Closed-form evaluation of two-dimensional static lattice sums. Proc. R. Soc. A. 2016;472: 20160510.Edit
Silva PV. Clifford monoid presentations. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.. 1992;111:445-454.
Da Costa J, Cardoso JS. classification of ordinal data using neural networks. machine learning: ecml 2005, proceedings. 2005;3720:690-697.Edit
Felgueiras C., de Sá J., Bernardes J, Gama SM. Classification of Foetal Heart Rate Sequences Based on Fractal Features. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 1998;36(2):249-264.Edit
Launois S, Lopes SA. Classification of factorial generalized down-up algebras. J. Algebra. 2013;396:184-206.Edit
Almeida J. A classification of aperiodic power monoids. J. Algebra. 1994;170:355-387.Edit
Yakubovich SB. A class of polynomials and discrete transformations associated with the Kontorovich-Lebedev operators. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2009;20:551-567.
Yakubovich SB, Saigo M, Lemeshevskaya N.. On the class of Lebedev-Skalskaya type index transforms. Fukuoka Univ. Sci. Rep.. 1994;24:67-81.Edit
Yakubovich SB. A class of integral equations and index transformations related to the modified and incomplete Bessel functions. J. Integral Equations Appl.. 2010;22:141-164.
