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Carvalho M. Commuting expanding dynamics. Portugaliae Mathematica. 1999;56(4):443-463.
Carvalho M, Magalhães MA. Periodic points of Ruelle-expanding maps. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. 2014;Volume 13(Issue 2 ):215-251 .
Carvalho M. The chord method. Vol Special Issue - Euler's tercentenary year Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2008.
Carvalho M, Bessa M. On the Lyapunov spectrum of infinite dimensional random products of compact operators. Stochastics and Dynamics. 2008;8(4):1-19.
Carvalho PA, Musson IM. Down-up algebras and their representation theory. J. Algebra. 2000;228:286-310.Edit
Carvalho M, Bessa M, Rodrigues A. Generic area-preserving reversible diffeomorphisms. Nonlinearity. 2015;28:1695-1720.Edit
Carvalho P, de Oliveira AG. Intersection and linking numbers in oriented matroids. Discrete Comput. Geom.. 2004;31:305-321.Edit
Carvalho PA, Lopes SA. Automorphisms of generalized down-up algebras. Comm. Algebra. 2009;37:1622-1646.
Carvalho M, Hager M. Geometric orbits. Mathematical Intelligencer. 2012;34(2):56-62.Edit
Carvalho M. First homoclinic tangencies on the boundary of Anosov diffeomorphisms. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 1998;4(4):765-782.
Carvalho M, Azevedo A, Machiavelo A. Dynamics of a quasi-quadratic map. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. 2014;20 (1):36-48.Edit
Carvalho M, Rodrigues F, Varandas P. A variational principle for free semigroup actions. Advances in Mathematics. 2018;334:450-487.Edit
Carvalho M, Moreira F. A note on the Ergodic Theorem. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. 2014;Volume 13(Issue 2):253-268.
Carvalho PA, Koenig S, Lomp C, Shalile A. Ring theoretical properties of affine cellular algebras. Journal of Algebra. 2017;476:494-518.Edit
Carvalho M, Oliveira AC. Roads for exotic wheels. Vol 65 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2011.Edit
Carvalho PA. On the Azumaya locus of some crossed products. Comm. Algebra. 2005;33:51-72.
Carvalho M, Varandas P. (Semi)continuity of the entropy of Sinai probability measures for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2016;434(2):1123-1137.
[2007-38] Carvalho PA, Lopes SA. Automorphisms of Generalized Down-Up Algebras .Edit
Carvalho M. Generic properties of C^r maps of the the interval, r >= 2. In: European Conference on Iteration Theory . Vol ECIT'91. World Scientific; 1992. 3. p. 39-51p.
Carvalho M, Cavadas S. Playing in the limit. Vol 69 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2013.Edit
[2017-18] Carvalho PA, Lomp C, Smith PF. A note on simple modules over quasi-local rings .Edit
Carvalho M. Contributions to a rigidity conjecture. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 1998;53:265-295.
[2015-6] Carvalho M, Freitas AC, Freitas JM, Holland M, Nicol M. Extremal dichotomy for uniformly hyperbolic systems .Edit
Carvalho M, Alves JF. Invariant probability measures and non-wandering sets for impulsive semiflows. Vol 157 -Journal of Statistical Physics, 1097-1113, Springer 2014.
Carvalho M, Rodrigues A. Intermediate value property vs. continuity. Vol 65 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2011.Edit


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