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Yakubovich SB. Convolution Hilbert spaces associated with the Kontorovich-Lebedev transformation. Thai J. Math.. 2003;1:9-16.
Yakubovich SB. On the Mehler-Fock integral transform in $L_p$-spaces. Extracta Math.. 1993;8:162-164.
Yakubovich SB. A class of index transforms generated by the Mellin and Laplace operators. J. Math. Anal. Appl.. 2013;403:333-343.
[2008-36] Yakubovich SB, Daher R.. A note on an analog of Morgan’s theorem for the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform .Edit
Yakubovich SB. On the index integral transformation with Nicholson's function as the kernel. J. Math. Anal. Appl.. 2002;269:689-701.
Yakubovich SB. On a class of integral convolutions. Vests\=ı Akad. Navuk Belarus\=ı Ser. F\=ız. Mat. Navuk. 1992:27-33, 124.
Yakubovich SB, Saigo M. The Kontorovich-Lebedev transform and its convolution. S\=urikaisekikenky\=usho Kōky\=uroku. 1994:84-119.Edit
Yakubovich SB, Fisher B. A class of index transforms with general kernels. Math. Nachr.. 1999;200:165-182.Edit
Yakubovich SB. Harmonic analysis of the Lebedev-Stieltjes integrals. Asian-Eur. J. Math.. 2009;2:307-320.
Yakubovich SB. Analog of the Hausdorff-Young theorem for the Lebedev integral. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2005;16:597-607.
[2011-12] Yakubovich SB, Nazardonyavi S. Extremely abundant numbers and the Riemann hypothesis .Edit
Yakubovich SB. Certain identities, connection and explicit formulas for the Bernoulli and Euler numbers and the Riemann zeta-values. Analysis (Berlin). 2015;35:59-71.
Yakubovich SB. Index transforms World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ 1996.
Yeldan O, Colorni A, Lue A, Rodaro E. A stochastic continuous cellular automata traffic flow model with a multi-agent fuzzy system. In: EWGT2012 - 15th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, September 2012, Paris. Vol Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences vol. 54.; 2012. p. pp. p. 1350-1359p. Edit
