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[2005-4] Alves JF. A survey of recent results on statistical features of non-uniformly expanding maps .
Alves JF, Luzzatto S, Pinheiro V. Markov structures and decay of correlations for non-uniformly expanding dynamical systems. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire. 2005;22:817-839.Edit
Alves JF. Invariant probability measures and non-wandering sets for impulsive semiflows. J. Stat. Phys.. 2014;157:1097-1113.
Alves JF. Stochastic behavior of asymptotically expanding maps. Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems. 2001:14-21.
Alves JF, Araújo V, Vásquez CH. Stochastic stability of non-uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. Stoch. Dyn.. 2007;7:299-333.Edit
Alves JF, Vilarinho H. Strong stochastic stability for non-uniformly expanding maps. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 2013;33:647-692.Edit
Alves JF, Araújo V. Random perturbations of nonuniformly expanding maps. Astérisque. 2003:xvii, 25-62.Edit
Alves JF, Carvalho M, Vásquez CH. A Variational Principle for Impulsive Semiflows. Journal of Differential Equations. 2015;259:4229-4252.Edit
Alves JF, Freitas JM. Statistical stability for Hénon maps of the Benedicks-Carleson type. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire. 2010;27:595-637.
Alves JF, Carvalho M, Freitas JM. Statistical Stability and Continuity of SRB Entropy for Systems with Gibbs-Markov Structures. Comm. Math. Phys.. 2010;296:739-767.
Alves JF, Oliveira K, Tahzibi A. On the continuity of entropy for non-uniformly expanding maps. In: EQUADIFF 2003. World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ; 2005. 4. p. 409-414p. Edit
Alves JF, Viana M. Statistical stability for robust classes of maps with non-uniform expansion. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 2002;22:1-32.Edit
[2005-32] Alves JF, Araújo V, Pacifico M., Pinheiro V.. On the volume of singular-hyperbolic sets .Edit
Alves JF, Carvalho M, Siqueira J. Equilibrium states for impulsive semiflows. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2017;451(2):839-857.Edit
Alves JF, Araújo V, Pacifico M., Pinheiro V.. On the volume of singular-hyperbolic sets. Dyn. Syst.. 2007;22:249-267.Edit
[2004-14] Alves JF, Pinheiro V. Backward volume contraction for endomorphisms with eventual volume expansion .Edit
Alves JF, Schnellmann D. Ergodic properties of Viana-like maps with singularities in the base dynamics. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2013;141:3943-3955.Edit
Alves JF, Araújo V. Hyperbolic times: frequency versus integrability. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 2004;24:329-346.Edit
Alves JF. SRB measures for non-hyperbolic systems with multidimensional expansion. Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4). 2000;33:1-32.
Alves JF, Pinheiro V, Pinto AA. Explosion of smoothness for conjugacies between unimodal maps. In: Dynamics, games and science. II. Vol 2. Springer, Heidelberg; 2011. 1. p. 115-119p. (Springer Proc. Math.; vol 2).Edit
Alves JF. A survey of recent results on some statistical features of non-uniformly expanding maps. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.. 2006;15:1-20.
[2018-7] Alves JF, Pumariño A. Entropy formula and continuity of entropy for piecewise expanding maps .Edit
[2014-22] Alves JF, Pumariño A, Vigil E. Statistical stability for multidimensional piecewise expanding maps .Edit
Alves JF, Araújo V, Saussol B\. On the uniform hyperbolicity of some nonuniformly hyperbolic systems. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2003;131:1303-1309.Edit
Alves JF, Dias CL, Luzzatto S. SRB measures for partially hyperbolic systems whose central direction is weakly expanding. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS). 2017;19:2911-2946.Edit


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