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Carvalho M. First homoclinic tangencies on the boundary of Anosov diffeomorphisms. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 1998;4(4):765-782.
Carvalho M, Azevedo A, Machiavelo A. Dynamics of a quasi-quadratic map. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. 2014;20 (1):36-48.Edit
Carvalho M, Bessa M, Rodrigues A. Generic area-preserving reversible diffeomorphisms. Nonlinearity. 2015;28:1695-1720.Edit
Carvalho M, Moreira F. A note on the Ergodic Theorem. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. 2014;Volume 13(Issue 2):253-268.
Carvalho M, Oliveira AC. Roads for exotic wheels. Vol 65 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2011.Edit
Carvalho PA, Koenig S, Lomp C, Shalile A. Ring theoretical properties of affine cellular algebras. Journal of Algebra. 2017;476:494-518.Edit
Carvalho M, Rodrigues A. Complete set of invariants for a Bykov attractor. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics. 2018;23(3):227-247.Edit
[2007-38] Carvalho PA, Lopes SA. Automorphisms of Generalized Down-Up Algebras .Edit
Carvalho PA. On the Azumaya locus of some crossed products. Comm. Algebra. 2005;33:51-72.
Carvalho M, Cavadas S. Playing in the limit. Vol 69 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2013.Edit
Carvalho M. Generic properties of C^r maps of the the interval, r >= 2. In: European Conference on Iteration Theory . Vol ECIT'91. World Scientific; 1992. 3. p. 39-51p.
[2017-18] Carvalho PA, Lomp C, Smith PF. A note on simple modules over quasi-local rings .Edit
Carvalho M. Contributions to a rigidity conjecture. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 1998;53:265-295.
[2015-6] Carvalho M, Freitas AC, Freitas JM, Holland M, Nicol M. Extremal dichotomy for uniformly hyperbolic systems .Edit
Carvalho M, Varandas P. (Semi)continuity of the entropy of Sinai probability measures for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2016;434(2):1123-1137.
Carvalho M, Rodrigues A. Intermediate value property vs. continuity. Vol 65 Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 2011.Edit
Carvalho M, Pacheco AC. O método de Diofanto e a curva a^b = b^a SPM In Press.Edit
Carvalho PA, Lopes SA, Matczuk J. Double Ore extensions versus iterated Ore extensions. Comm. Algebra. 2011;39:2838-2848.Edit
Carvalho P, de Oliveira AG. Intersection and linking numbers in oriented matroids. Discrete Comput. Geom.. 2004;31:305-321.Edit
Carvalho PA, Cortes W, Ferrero M. Partial skew group rings over polycyclic by finite groups. Algebr. Represent. Theory. 2011;14:449-462.Edit
Carvalho M, Alves JF. Invariant probability measures and non-wandering sets for impulsive semiflows. Vol 157 -Journal of Statistical Physics, 1097-1113, Springer 2014.
Carvalho M, Bessa M. Non-uniformly hyperbolicity for infinite dimensional cocycles. Stochastics and Dynamics. 2013;13(No. 3):1-17.
Carvalho M. The C^1 interior of zero entropy diffeomorphisms. Portugaliae Mathematica. 1996;53(1):89-95.
Carvalho M. Chaotic Newton's sequences. The Mathematical Intelligencer. 2002;24(1):1-5.
[2017-19] Carvalho PA, Matczuk J, Brown K. Simple modules and their essential extensions for skew polynomial rings .Edit


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