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Leite V, Castro SB, Correia-da-Silva J.. The core-periphery model with asymmetric inter-regional and intra-regional trade costs . Portuguese Economic Journal. 2009:37-44.Edit
Leite A., Silva M., Rocha AP. Heart rate variability analysis in healthy subjects, patients suffering from congestive heart failure and heart transplanted patients. Motricidade. 2013;9:54-63.Edit
Leite A, Rocha AP, Silva M, Gouveia S., Carvalho J., Costa O.. Long-Range Dependence in Heart Rate Variability Data: ARFIMA Modelling vs Detrended Fluctuation Analysis. In: {34th Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {34}. {IEEE}; 2007. {. {p. 21-24p. }.Edit
Leite A, Silva M, Rocha AP. Modeling Volatility in Heat Rate Variability. In: 38Th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Embc 2016, Orlando, Fl, Usa, August 16-20, 2016. Ieee; 2016. 3. p. 3582-3585p. (Embc).
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Loll R., Mourão J., Tavares JN. Generalized coordinates on the phase space of Yang-Mills theory. Classical Quantum Gravity. 1995;12:1191-1198.Edit
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Lomp C, Puczylowski E. A note on dimension modules. Communications in Algebra. 2015;43(6):2267-2271.Edit
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