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Cardoso JS, Capela A., Rebelo A, Guedes C., Da Costa J. staff detection with stable paths. ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. 2009;31:1134-1139.Edit
Costa JP, Rebelo A, Capela A., Da Costa JP, Guedes C., Carrapatoso E., et al. A shortest path approach for staff line detection. In: AXMEDIS 2007: THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATED PRODUCTION OF CROSS MEDIA CONTENT FOR MULTI-CHANNEL DISTRIBUTION, PROCEEDINGS.; 2007. Edit
Rebelo A., Capela A., da Costa J., Guedes C., Carrapatoso E., Cardoso JS. A shortest path approach for staff line detection. Delgado J., Ng K, Nesi P., Bellini P., editors 2007.Edit
Rebelo A, Capela A., Da Costa JP, Guedes C., Carrapatoso E., Cardoso JS. a shortest path approach for staff line detection. axmedis 2007: third international conference on automated production of cross media content for multi-channel distribution, proceedings. 2007:79-85.Edit