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Rebelo A, Capela A., Da Costa JP, Guedes C., Carrapatoso E., Cardoso JS. a shortest path approach for staff line detection. axmedis 2007: third international conference on automated production of cross media content for multi-channel distribution, proceedings. 2007:79-85.Edit
Rebelo A., Capela A., da Costa J., Guedes C., Carrapatoso E., Cardoso JS. A shortest path approach for staff line detection. Delgado J., Ng K, Nesi P., Bellini P., editors 2007.Edit
Costa JP, Rebelo A, Capela A., Da Costa JP, Guedes C., Carrapatoso E., et al. A shortest path approach for staff line detection. In: AXMEDIS 2007: THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATED PRODUCTION OF CROSS MEDIA CONTENT FOR MULTI-CHANNEL DISTRIBUTION, PROCEEDINGS.; 2007. Edit