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Monte Carlo Simulation of a Drifting Buoy on the Sea Surface Using a 6-Dimensional Model. In: Computational Physics, Chemistry and Biology.; 1997. 4. p. 41-46p. Edit
Risks Associated to the compressive Strength Conformity Criteria Resulting from the Application of the Portuguese Standard NP ENV 206 (1993). In: Proceedings of the European Ready Mixed Concrete Congress - ERMCO 1998. Vol 1.; 1998. 3. p. 304-311p. Edit
Approximate Nonlinear Filtering for a Two-dimensional Diffusion with One Dimensional Observations in a Low Noise Channel. In: Prépublication du Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées.; 1999. Edit
Efficiency of an Approximate Nonlinear Filterin for a Particular Class of Nonlinear Diffusion with Observations Corrupted by Small Noise. In: 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.; 2000. 1. p. 1599-1601p. Edit
A methodology for modelling and prediction of coastal cliffs recession. In: Coastal Dynamics´01 .; 2001. 9. p. 969-978p. Edit
Simulation and modelling of vehicule’s delay at semi-actuated signalized intersections. In: Compstat’2004 symposium.; 2004. 1. p. 1823-1830p. Edit
A measures of performance of self compacting concrete mixtures. In: Computational Statistics, COMPSTAT.; 2006. 1. p. 1079-1085p. Edit
A Methodology to assess robustness of SCC mixtures”, Cement and Concret Research. Cement and Concret Research. 2006;36:2115-2122.Edit
Robustez do BAC. In: 4ªs Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas.; 2006. 1. 12.Edit
Evaluation of SCC Mixture Robustness. In: SCC2007– 5th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete.; 2007. 1. p. 131-136p. Edit
Improving industrial production of self-compacting concrete. In: Conference Probability and Statistics in Science and Technology.; 2007. 2. p. 21-22p. Edit
Simulation and Modelling of Traffic Movements at Semi-Actuated Signalised Intersections. In: 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management.; 2007. 1. 10.Edit