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[2011-26] Aguiar MA, Ruan H.. Interior Symmetries and Multiple Eigenvalues for Homogeneous Networks .Edit
[2011-31] Almeida J, Klíma O. On the irreducibility of pseudovarieties of semigroups .Edit
[2011-35] Amorim I, Machiavelo A, Reis R. On Linear Finite Automata and Cryptography .Edit
Costa JP, De Sa C, Soares C, Jorge A, Azevedo P., Costa JP. Mining Association Rules for Label Ranking. In: ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND DATA MINING, PT II: 15TH PACIFIC-ASIA CONFERENCE, PAKDD 2011.; 2011. Edit
De Sa C, Soares C, Jorge A, Azevedo P., Costa JP. mining association rules for label ranking. advances in knowledge discovery and data mining, pt ii: 15th pacific-asia conference, pakdd 2011. 2011;6635:432-443.Edit
Aguiar P. Phase precession through acceleration of local theta rhythm: a biophysical model for the interaction between complex spike cells and theta cells. BMC neuroscience. 2011;12:P2.
Aguiar MA. Is there switching for replicator dynamics and bimatrix games? . Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena . 2011;240:1475-1488.
Aguiar MA. Is there switching for replicator dynamics and bimatrix games? PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA. 2011;240:1475-1488.Edit
[2011-19] Almeida J, Costa A. On the transition semigroups of centrally labeled Rauzy graphs .Edit
Costa JP, Da Costa J, Alonso H., Roque L. A Weighted Principal Component Analysis and Its Application to Gene Expression Data. IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS. 2011.Edit
Da Costa J, Alonso H., Roque L. a weighted principal component analysis and its application to gene expression data. ieee-acm transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics. 2011;8:246-252.Edit
[2011-33] Alarcón B, Castro SB, Labouriau IS. A $\Z_n$-symmetric local but not global attractor .
Lima D, Sousa M, Aguiar P. Analysis of the mechanisms underlying windup using a detailed biophysical model of WDR neurons. BMC neuroscience. 2010;11:O14.Edit
Rodrigues AA, Labouriau IS, Aguiar MA. A chaotic carousel: dynamics near heteroclinic networks. Bol. Soc. Port. Mat.. 2010:103-109.Edit
Aguiar MA, Castro SB. Chaotic switching in a two-person game. Physica D. 2010;239:1598-1609.
Almeida J, Margolis S, Steinberg B, Volkov M. Characterization of group radicals with an application to Mal\cprime cev products. Illinois J. Math.. 2010;54:199-221.Edit
[2010-32] Vasconcelos PB, Largillier A., d'Almeida FD, Ahues M. Comparison of two Di fferent Discretizations for Spectral Computations for Integral Operators .Edit
[2010-31] d'Almeida FD, Ahues M, Fernandes R. Error Bounds and Discretization Grids in the Solution of Weakly Singular Integral Equations .Edit
Aguiló-Gost F, García-Sánchez PA. Factoring in embedding dimension three numerical semigroups. Electron. J. Combin.. 2010;17:Research Paper 138, 21.Edit
Alves JF, Pinheiro V. Gibbs-Markov structures and limit laws for partially hyperbolic attractors with mostly expanding central direction. Adv. Math.. 2010;223:1706-1730.Edit
Amaral IF, Coelho F., Da Costa J, Cardoso JS. hierarchical medical image annotation using svm-based approaches. proceedings of the ieee/embs region 8 international conference on information technology applications in biomedicine, itab. 2010.Edit
Costa JP, Amaral IF, Coelho F., Da Costa J, Cardoso JS. Hierarchical medical image annotation using SVM-based approaches. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/EMBS Region 8 International Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB.; 2010. Edit
Almeida J, Klíma O. New decidable upper bound of the second level in the Straubing-Thérien concatenation hierarchy of star-free languages. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci.. 2010;12:41-58.Edit
Aguiar P, Sousa M., Lima D.. NMDA channels together with L-type calcium currents and calcium-activated nonspecific cationic currents are sufficient to generate windup in WDR neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2010;104:1155-1166.Edit
Almeida R, Martínez JP, Rocha AP, Laguna P. P wave delineation using spatially projected leads from wavelet transform loops. In: Murray A, editor. {37th Annual Conference of the Computing-in-Cardiology}. Vol {37}. {IEEE}; 2010. {. {p. 1003-1006p. }.Edit
