Found 406 results
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A methodology for modelling and prediction of coastal cliffs recession. In: Coastal Dynamics´01 .; 2001. 9. p. 969-978p. Edit
A new characterization of classical forms. Communications in Applied Analysis. 2001;5(3):351-362.Edit
Partially hyperbolic and transitive dynamics generated by heteroclinic cycles. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 2001;21:25-76.Edit
Sur certains systèmes d'équations avec contraintes dans un groupe libre–-addenda. Port. Math. (N.S.). 2001;58:379-387.Edit
Heterodimensional cycles, partial hyperbolicity and limit dynamics. Fund. Math.. 2002;174:127-186.Edit
An L1 refined projection approximate solution of the radiation transfer equation in stellar atmospheres. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2002;140:13-26.Edit
Validation of very large data sets clustering by means of a nonparametric linear criterion. In: Classification, clustering, and data analysis (Cracow, 2002). Springer, Berlin; 2002. 1. p. 147-157p. (Stud. Classification Data Anal. Knowledge Organ.).Edit
clustered partial linear regression. machine learning. 2003;50:303-319.Edit
Clustered partial linear regression. MACHINE LEARNING. 2003.Edit
A Parallel Implementation of the Atkinson Algorithm for Solving a Fredholm Equation. In: Palma JMLM, A. Sousa A, Dongarra J, Hernández V, editors. High Performance Computing for Computational Science –- VECPAR 2002: 5th International Conference Porto, Portugal, June 26–28, 2002 Selected Papers and Invited Talks. Vol 2565. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2003. 3. p. 368-376p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 2565).Edit
A Parallel Implementation of the Atkinson Algorithm for Solving a Fredholm Equation. In: Palma JMLM, A. Sousa A, Dongarra J, Hernández V, editors. High Performance Computing for Computational Science –- VECPAR 2002: 5th International Conference Porto, Portugal, June 26–28, 2002 Selected Papers and Invited Talks. Vol 2565. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2003. 3. p. 368-376p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 2565).Edit
A polynomial time algorithm to compute the abelian kernel of a finite monoid. Semigroup Forum. 2003;67:97-110.Edit
ranking learning algorithms: using ibl and meta-learning on accuracy and time results. machine learning. 2003;50:251-277.Edit
Robustly transitive sets and heterodimensional cycles. Astérisque. 2003:xix, 187-222.Edit
Secondary bifurcations in systems with All-to-All coupling. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Ser. A . 2003;459:1-18.Edit
Abelian kernels of monoids of order-preserving maps and of some of its extensions. Semigroup Forum. 2004;68:335-356.Edit
Central partition for a partition-distance and strong pattern graph. REVSTAT. 2004;2:127-143.Edit
An econophysics approach to the Portuguese Stock Index – PSI-20. Physica A. 2004;342:665-676.Edit
Francisco Gomes Teixeira. CIM Bulletin. 2004;16:21-23.Edit
Francisco Gomes Teixeira. CIM Bulletin. 2004;16:21-23.Edit
Frobenius-Padé approximants for d-orthogonal series: Theory and computational aspects. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 2004;52:89-112.Edit