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[2008-18] Lomp C, van den Berg J. All hereditary torsion theories are differential .Edit
Gouveia S., Rocha AP, Laguna P, Gujic M., Beloka S., De Borne PV, et al. BRS Analysis from Baroreflex Sequences and Baroreflex Events Compared Using Spontaneous and Drug Induced Data. In: {35th Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {35}. {IEEE}; 2008. {. {p. 737-740p. }.Edit
Gouveia S., Rocha AP, Laguna P, Gujic M., Beloka S., De Borne PV, et al. BRS Analysis from Baroreflex Sequences and Baroreflex Events Compared Using Spontaneous and Drug Induced Data. In: {35th Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {35}. {IEEE}; 2008. {. {p. 737-740p. }.Edit
Lomp C, Rodrigues V. Covering coalgebras and dual non-singularity. Appl. Categ. Structures. 2008;16:195-211.Edit
Lomp C. Duality for partial group actions. Int. Electron. J. Algebra. 2008;4:53-62.Edit
Gonçalves H, Henriques-Coelho T., Bernardes J, Rocha AP, Nogueira A., Leite-moreira A. Linear and nonlinear heart-rate analysis in a rat model of acute anoxia. {PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT}. 2008;{29}:{1133-1143}.Edit
[2008-14] Loureiro AF. New results on the Bochner's condition about classical orthogonal polynomials .Edit
Vasconcelos PB, Marques O, Roman JE. Parallel Eigensolvers for a Discretized Radiative Transfer Problem. In: Palma JMLaginha, Amestoy PR, Daydé M, Mattoso M, Lopes JCorreia, editors. High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2008: 8th International Conference, Toulouse, France, June 24-27, 2008. Revised Selected Papers. Vol 5336. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2008. 3. p. 336-348p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 5336).Edit
[2008-42] Loureiro AF, Maroni P.. Quadratic decomposition of Laguerre polynomials via lowering operators .Edit
[2008-5] Büyükasik E, Lomp C. On a recent generalization of semiperfect rings .Edit
Büyükasik E, Lomp C. On a recent generalization of semiperfect rings. Bull. Aust. Math. Soc.. 2008;78:317-325.Edit
Lomp C. Regular and biregular module algebras. Arab. J. Sci. Eng. Sect. C Theme Issues. 2008;33:351-363.Edit
[2008-15] Lomp C. Regular and biregular module algebras .
García-Sánchez PA, Llena D., Rosales J.. Strongly taut finitely generated monoids. Monatsh. Math.. 2008;155:119-124.Edit
[2008-38] Aguiar MA, Labouriau IS, Rodrigues A.. Switching near a network of rotating nodes .
[2008-30] Büyükasik E, Lomp C. When δ-semiperfect rings are semiperfect .Edit


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