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Loll R., Mourão J., Tavares JN. Generalized coordinates on the phase space of Yang-Mills theory. Classical Quantum Gravity. 1995;12:1191-1198.Edit
Yakubovich SB, Lemeshevskaya N.. On the Lebedev-Skal\cprime skaya transform. Vests\=ı Akad. Navuk Belarus\=ı Ser. F\=ız. Mat. Navuk. 1995:28-35, 124.Edit
Costa O., Lago P, Rocha AP, Freitas J., Puig J, Carvalho M., et al. The spectral analysis of heart rate variability. A comparative study between nonparametric and parametric spectral analysis in short series . {Revista portuguesa de cardiologia : orgao oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia = Portuguese journal of cardiology : an official journal of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology}. 1995;{14}:{621-626}.Edit
Guckenheimer J., Labouriau IS. Bifurcation of the Hodgkin and Huxley equations: a new twist. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 1993;55(5):937-952.Edit
Srivastava H., Yakubovich SB, Luchko Y.. The convolution method for the development of new Leibniz rules involving fractional derivatives and of their integral analogues. Integral Transform. Spec. Funct.. 1993;1:119-134.Edit
Luchko Y., Yakubovich SB. Convolutions of the generalized fractional integration operator. In: Complex analysis and generalized functions (Varna, 1991). Publ. House Bulgar. Acad. Sci., Sofia; 1993. 1. p. 199-211p. Edit
Srivastava H., Yakubovich SB, Luchko Y.. New families of Leibniz type rules for fractional calculus and their integral analogues. In: Recent advances in fractional calculus. Global, Sauk Rapids, MN; 1993. 2. p. 248-291p. (Global Res. Notes Ser. Math.).Edit
Kalla SL, Luchko Y., Yakubovich SB. The new Leibniz rules and their integral analogues. Internat. J. Math. Statist. Sci.. 1993;2:187-225 (1995).Edit
