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Nazardonyavi S, Yakubovich SB. Another proof of Spira's inequality and its application to the Riemann hypothesis. J. Math. Inequal.. 2013;7:167-174.Edit
Nazardonyavi S, Yakubovich SB. Another proof of Spira's inequality and its application to the Riemann hypothesis. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities. 2013;7(2):167-174.Edit
Freitas AC. Asymptotic distribution of the maximum for a chaotic economic model. J. da Silva L, Caeiro F., Natário I., Braumann C.A, editors Springer 2013.Edit
[2013-18] Nazardonyavi S, Yakubovich SB. Delicacy of the Riemann hypothesis and certain subsequences of superabundant numbers .Edit
[2013-23] Nabais D, Moreira N, Reis R. Desco: a knowledge based system for descriptional complexity of formal languages .Edit
Roman J., Vasconcelos PB, Nunes A.. Eigenvalue computations in the context of data-sparse approximations of integral operators. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2013;237:171-181.Edit
Nunes A., Vasconcelos PB, Ahues M. Error Bounds for Low-Rank Approximations of the First Exponential Integral Kernel. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 2013;34:74-93.Edit
Maia E, Moreira N, Reis R. Incomplete Transition Complexity of some Basic Operations. Boas Pvan Emde, Groen FCA, Italiano GF, Nawrocki J, Sack H, editors 2013.Edit
Nunes S, Oliveira PM, Coutinho JS. Robust SCC mixes through mix-design. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2013;25:183-193.Edit
[2013-17] Nazardonyavi S, Yakubovich SB. Sharper estimates for Chebyshev's functions $\vartheta$ and $ψ$ .Edit
Neto E, Sousa D, Alencastre IS, Alves J., Aguiar P, Lamghari M. Antagonize without compromise: effect of Y-1 receptor antagonism in bone re-innervation. In: JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE. Vol 8. WILEY-BLACKWELL 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA; 2014. 4. p. 403-404p. Edit
Freitas JM, Haydn N, Nicol M. Convergence of rare event point processes to the Poisson process for planar billiards. Nonlinearity. 2014;27:1669-1687.Edit
Afonso MM, Mendez S, Nicoud F. On the damped oscillations of an elastic quasi-circular membrane in a two-dimensional incompressible fluid. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2014;746:300-331.Edit
Nazardonyavi S, Yakubovich SB. Extremely Abundant Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis. Journal of Integer Sequences. 2014;17(2):Article 14.2.8.Edit
Franco E, García-Prada Ó, Newstead P.. Higgs bundles over elliptic curves. Illinois J. Math.. 2014;58(1):43-96.Edit
Gothen PB. Representations of surface groups and Higgs bundles. Vol Moduli Spaces. Isaac Newton Institute ed. Brambila-Paz L, Newstead P, Thomas RPW, García-Prada O, editors Cambridge University Press 2014.Edit
Neto E, Alves CJ, Sousa D., Alencastre IS, Lourenço A., Leitão L., et al. Sensory neurons and osteoblasts: Close partners in a microfluidic platform. Integrative Biology (United Kingdom). 2014;6:586-595.Edit


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