
Found 27 results
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Filters: First Letter Of Last Name is O and Author is Paula Milheiro Oliveira  [Clear All Filters]
Simões Md, Oliveira PM, Costa AP. Queues with server vacations in urban traffic control. In: International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2005).; 2005. 1. p. 1181-1188p. Edit
Carneiro ÂM, Falcão M., Pirraco A., Oliveira PM, Reis F., Soares R.. Comparative Effects Of Bevacizumab, Ranibizumab And Pegaptanib At Intravitreal Dose Range On Endothelial Cells. Experimental Eye Research. 2009;88:522-527.Edit
Simões M., Costa A., Oliveira PM. Simulation Based Design of Optimal Phasing Plans for an Intersection with Semi-Actuated Signals. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing.; 2009. 2. 246.Edit


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