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Gouveia S., Rocha AP, Van De Borne P., Laguna P. Factors influencing differences between invasive and spontaneous baroreflex estimates: distinct methods or different data?. In: {33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBS)}. {IEEE}; 2011. {. {p. 2554-2557p. }.Edit
Gouveia S., Rocha AP, Laguna P, Van De Borne P.. Correlation between time domain baroreflex sensitivity and Sympathetic Nerve Activity. In: Murray A, editor. {37th Annual Conference of the Computing-in-Cardiology}. Vol {37}. {IEEE}; 2010. {. {p. 5-8p. }.Edit
Gouveia S., Rocha AP, Van De Borne P., Lago P. Assessing baroreflex sensitivity in the sequences technique: Local versus global approach. In: {32nd Annual Conference on Computers in Cardiology}. Vol {32}. {IEEE}; 2005. {. {p. 279-282p. }.Edit