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Multifractal analysis of the irregular set for almost-additive sequences via large deviations. Nonlinearity. 2015;28 : 3563-3585.Edit
[2015-2] A note on statistical properties for nonuniformly hyperbolic systems with slow contraction and expansion .Edit
A note on the large deviations for piecewise expanding multidimensional maps. In: Nonlinear dynamics new directions. Vol 11. Springer, Cham; 2015. 1. p. 1-10p. (Nonlinear Syst. Complex.; vol 11).Edit
[2015-39] Partial hyperbolicity and specification .Edit
Polynomial loss of memory for maps of the interval with a neutral fixed point. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.. 2015;35:793-806.Edit
Sampling local properties of attractors via extreme value theory. Chaos Solitons Fractals. 2015;74:55-66.Edit
[2015-11] (Semi)continuity of the entropy of Sinai probability measures for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms .
Some results on the Krein parameters of a strongly regular graph. Vol Dynamics, Games and Science, International Conference and Advanced School PLanet Earth, DGSII, Portugal, August 28 September 6, Portugal, Lisbon: Jean Pierre Bourguignon, Rolf Jeltsch, Alberto Adrego Pinto, Marcelo Viana eds, Springer 2015.Edit
Strongly Regular Graphs and Euclidean Jordan algebras:Revelations within an Unusual Relationship. Lambert Academic Publishing ed. Lambert Academic Publishing,2015 2015.Edit
Symmetric association schemes and generalized krein parameters, 2015. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences . 2015;9:310-314.Edit
Trilhos matemáticos: Promovendo a criatividade de futuros professores. Educação e Matemática. 2015;135:57-64.Edit
Trivial and Simple Spectrum for SL(d,R) Cocycles with Free Base and Fiber Dynamics. Acta Mathematica Sinica. 2015; 31(7):1113-1122.
A Variational Principle for Impulsive Semiflows. Journal of Differential Equations. 2015;259:4229-4252.Edit
Alternating Schur series and necessary conditions for the existence of strongly regular graphs. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014;8:256-261.Edit
Computation of Optimal Control Solutions with the Tau Method and an Error Estimator . In: Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), 2014 14th International Conference on . Portugal, Guimarães: IEEE; 2014. 1. p. 111-115p. Edit
Economic growth and multiple equilibria: A critical note. Economic Modelling. 2014;36:157-160.Edit
Experiments with GPU-Acceleration for Solving a Radiative Transfer Problem. In: Murgante B, Misra S, Rocha AMaria AC, Torre C, Rocha JG, Falcão MIrene et al., editors. Computational Science and Its Applications ICCSA 2014. Vol 8582. Springer International Publishing; 2014. 5. p. 550-559p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 8582).Edit
Experiments with GPU-Acceleration for Solving a Radiative Transfer Problem. In: LNCS.; 2014. 5. p. 550-559p. Edit
A hysteresis model-based indicator for employment adjustment rigidity. Empirica. 2014;42:547-569.Edit
A hysteresis model-based indicator for employment adjustment rigidity. Empirica. 2014;42:547-569.Edit
Inequalities on the parameters of a strongly regular graph. Vol Modelling, Dynamics,Optimization and Bioeconomics I Porto, Portugal: Springer International Publishing 2014.Edit
Lumping Method with Acceleration for the PageRank Computation. In: 2014 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. IEEE; 2014. 2. p. 221-224p. Edit