
Found 7 results
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Filters: Author is Tenreiro Machado, J. A.  [Clear All Filters]
Pinto CM, Machado J.. Complex order van der Pol oscillator. Nonlinear Dynam.. 2011;65:247-254.Edit
Pinto C., Lopes A., Machado J.. Double power laws, fractals and self-similarity. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2014;38:4019-4026.Edit
Pinto C., Machado J.. Fractional Dynamics of Computer Virus Propagation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2014;2014:7.Edit
Lopes AM, Machado J., Pinto C., Galhano AM. Multidimensional scaling visualization of earthquake phenomena. Journal of Seismology. 2014;18:163-179.Edit
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