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A note on prime modules. Divulg. Mat.. 2000;8:31-42.Edit
A note on extending Hopf actions to rings of quotients of module algebras. Beiträge Algebra Geom.. 2006;47:137-146.Edit
Non-commutative integral forms and twisted multi-derivations. J. Noncommut. Geom.. 2010;4:289-312.Edit
On the notion of strong irreducibility and its dual. J. Algebra Appl.. 2013;12:1350012.Edit
On the notion of `retractable modules' in the context of algebras. Palest. J. Math.. 2014;3:343-355.Edit
A note on dimension modules. Communications in Algebra. 2015;43(6):2267-2271.Edit
A note on a paper by Cuadra, Etingof and Walton. Communications in Algebra. 2017;45(8):3402-3409.Edit
A note on semicentral idempotents. Communications in Algebra. 2017;45:2735-2737.Edit