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A Famous Identity of Hajós in Terms of Sets. J. Integer Seq.. 2014;17:Article 14.9.1, 10.Edit
Note on the convolution of binomial coefficients. J. Integer Seq.. 2013;16:Article 13.7.6, 9.Edit
Parking functions and labeled trees. Sém. Lothar. Combin.. 2010;65:Art. B65e, 10.Edit
Partitions of a finite Boolean lattice into intervals. European J. Combin.. 2009;30:1801-1809.Edit
On the adjugate of a matrix. Amer. Math. Monthly. 2007;114:923-924.Edit
Intersection and linking numbers in oriented matroids. Discrete Comput. Geom.. 2004;31:305-321.Edit
An interpretation of the monodromy group of a wiring diagram. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Meeting on Geometry and Topology (Braga, 1997). Cent. Mat. Univ. Minho, Braga; 1998. 1. p. 111-117p. (electronic).Edit
A generalized Desargues configuration and the pure braid group. Discrete Math.. 1996;160:105-113.Edit
On the Steinitz exchange lemma. Discrete Math.. 1995;137:367-370.Edit
Invariant theory-like theorems for matroids and oriented matroids. Adv. Math.. 1994;109:34-44.Edit
Oriented matroids: an essentially topological algebraic model Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra 1993.Edit
A note on the fundamental group of the Salvetti complex determined by an oriented matroid. European J. Combin.. 1992;13:429-437.Edit
Algebraic varieties characterizing matroids and oriented matroids. Adv. Math.. 1991;87:160-185.Edit
Simplicial convex $4$-polytopes do not have the isotopy property. Portugal. Math.. 1990;47:309-318.Edit