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Filters: Author is Rosales, J. C. and First Letter Of Title is C [Clear All Filters]
Constructing almost symmetric numerical semigroups from irreducible numerical semigroups. Comm. Algebra. 2014;42:1362-1367.Edit
The catenary and tame degree in finitely generated commutative cancellative monoids. Manuscripta Math.. 2006;120:253-264.Edit
Commutative ideal extensions of abelian groups. Semigroup Forum. 2001;62:311-316.Edit
Computing the elasticity of a Krull monoid. Linear Algebra Appl.. 2001;336:191-200.Edit
On Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein simplicial affine semigroups. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2). 1998;41:517-537.Edit
On Cohen-Macaulay subsemigroups of $\bold N^2$. Comm. Algebra. 1998;26:2543-2558.Edit
On complete intersection affine semigroups. Comm. Algebra. 1995;23:5395-5412.Edit